If this message should go elsewhere, my apologies.

It would be great if QEMU have the capability of detachable overlay or
union mount.
So administrators can keep each software as separate individual qcow2/qed
disks and can put those disks on different layers so that the end user
would see combination of the softwares available to them.

The desired scenario is like the following:-

   -- --------------------
-----------------------                               ----------------------

    User1 Disk (RW)                            User2 Disk (RW)   \
User3 Disk (RW)

   -----------------------    \
----------------------        \

                |                 \                                 |
\                              |

                |                    \                              |
                          \                          |

                |                       \                           |
                              \                      |

    -------------------------              \
----------------------                       \

      Software 1 Disk                  \         Software 2 Disk
                           \      Software 3 Disk

      (Read Only)                          \        (Read Only)
                                   \   (Read Only)



     (Hostname (VM1)                            (Hostname (VM2)
                              (Hostname (VM3)

      IP Address                                     IP Address
                IP Address

     Unique Data) Disk                            Unique Data) Disk
                             Unique Data) Disk

        (Read Only)                                    (Read Only)
/      (Read Only)

---------------------------                         /

                            \                                         |

                              \                                       |

        \                                     |

          \                                   |

            \               ---------------------------------------

   \            | OS Updates Disk 2(RO)   |          /

                                          \         -
---------------------------------------        /

                                            \       | OS Updates Disk 1 (RO)
|      /


                                                \   | Base VM Image (RO) |/


To User1:-
To User2:-                                                               To

Hostname: - VM1                                                        H

Software Installed: - Software1+Software2                     Software
Installed: - Software2+Software3                  Software Installed:-

Writable Disk:- User1 Disk                                           Writable
Disk:- User2 Disk                                       Writable Disk:-
User3 Disk

Please let me know if the above scenario is possible utilizing QEMU.

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