Support for pci-serial-2x and pci-serial-4x
      was added to inf file.
      Standard Windows driver mf.sys used to
      split single function device into per-port nodes.

Changes since V2:
* Removed ntamd64 sections since the device
  does not have operating system-specific
  requirements for ntamd64. 

  "Because Windows Server 2003 SP1 and later
  require an .ntamd64 platform extension
  on an INF Models section name,
  but do not require this extension on other section names,
  the simplest approach to create and to maintain
  a cross-operating system INF file for x64-based systems
  is to include the .ntamd64 extension only on the names
  of Models sections."

Changes since V1:
* Removed subsystem & revision strings from the
  hardware ID string of pci-serial, pci-serial-2x and pci-serial-4x.

Miki Mishael (1):
  Docs: Introduce multiport serial support in          

 docs/qemupciserial.inf | 167 +++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 1 file changed, 80 insertions(+), 87 deletions(-)


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