On Mon, 14 Dec 2009, Richard Henderson wrote:

> On 12/14/2009 04:31 PM, Richard Henderson wrote:
> Hmph.  One more patch for correctness.  With this 183.equake runs correctly.
> I couldn't remember all the hoops to get runspec.pl to work, to do the whole
> testsuite, but I did run this one by hand.

This is great!  About a year ago I had been steadily working on getting 
all of spec2k to run under alpha qemu but then other projects came up and 
I didn't have time.

I'll re-run once the patches get applied to see if any more of the 
benchmarks have issues.  My notes from before your patches showed the 
following benchmarks had issues:

perlbmk.perfect   WRONG_OUTPUT
eon.rushmeier     wrong_results
eon.kajiya        wrong_results
eon.cook          wrong_results
art.110           never finished
art.470           never finished
vpr.place         Arithmetic trap.
vpr.route         Arithmetic trap.
mesa              Arithmetic trap.
wupwise           wrong results (NaN)
lucas             Arithmetic trap.
equake            wrong results (NaN)
sixtrack          Fortran runtime error: Invalid string input in item 1
facerec           Arithmetic trap.
fma3d             MMU data fault
ammp              Arithmetic trap.
galgel            broken?
twolf             Arithmetic trap.
apsi              MMU data fault


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