On 28 January 2014 23:29, xan...@juno.com <xan...@juno.com> wrote:
> Most recently, I've tried to just mount the .iso with the CD Image for the
> Zero Client that is expecting to be installed on an ARM system the following
> way:
>  qemu-system-armw.exe -m 256 -hda mynewimage.img -cdrom zeroclient.iso -boot
> d

So, what ARM system or board is this random CDROM image for?
ARM systems are not like x86, where everything is a more or less
identical PC -- every ARM board is different in some way, and generally
ARM OSes are configured to run on a particular board. You need to tell
QEMU to emulate the correct board (and if we don't support that board
I'm afraid you're out of luck).

-- PMM

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