* Stefan Priebe - Profihost AG (s.pri...@profihost.ag) wrote:
> Hi,
> Am 07.02.2014 14:08, schrieb Dr. David Alan Gilbert:
> > * Stefan Priebe - Profihost AG (s.pri...@profihost.ag) wrote:

> >> first of all i've now a memory image of a VM where i can reproduce it.
> >> reproducing does NOT work if i boot the VM freshly i need to let it run
> >> for some hours.
> >>
> >> Then just when the migration finishes there is a short time frame where
> >> the google stress app reports memory errors than when the migration
> >> finishes it runs fine again.
> >>
> >> It seems to me it is related to pause and unpause/resume?
> > 
> > But do you have to pause/resume it to cause the error? Have you got cases
> > where you boot it and then leave it running for a few hours and then it 
> > fails if you migrate it?
> Yes but isn't migration always a pause / unpause at the end? I thought
> migration_downtime is the value a very small pause unpause is allowed.

There's a heck of a lot of other stuff that goes on in migration, and that
downtime isn't quite the same.

If it can be reproduced with just suspend/resume stuff then that's a different
place to start looking than if it's migration only.

Dr. David Alan Gilbert / dgilb...@redhat.com / Manchester, UK

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