On 11 March 2014 11:49, Michael S. Tsirkin <m...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 11:32:41AM +0000, Peter Maydell wrote:
>> That won't help with removing the warning. What gpg
>> is saying here is "I found this key in the keyring,
>> and the signature checks out, but there's no chain
>> of trust between the person who applied the pull
>> and that key". That is, I haven't signed your key.
> Okay ... would you like to sign it?
> Didn't you go to the key signing party at the forum?
> If yes you have all the data :)

At the forum I only signed keys where the other
person had been sufficiently organised to get their
key onto the pre-printed list Anthony sent out and
were clearly following the instructions. (Basically
I wasn't expecting to be applying other peoples'
pull requests at that time so it seemed sufficient
to do a mutual signing with a reasonable number of
developers.) I can't remember why I put a cross next to
your name at this point, but obviously I can't sign
your key now if I didn't choose to do so then; that
would be breaking the whole point of doing in person

> But the commit log will include the warning forever I think?

True, but does that matter?

-- PMM

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