On 13 March 2014 17:45, Christian Mahnke <cmah...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi list,
> I'm trying to compile the the current HEAD of the Git repository on Mac OS X
> 10.9.2 using apple-gcc42 from Mac Ports
> I've got the following error:
>   LINK  qemu-nbd
> i686-apple-darwin13-g++-apple-4.2.1: x86_64: No such file or directory
> c++-apple-4.2: Invalid arch name : -lcurl
> To me it seem the compiler got the options in the wrong order. Has anyone a
> hint how this can be fixed?
> Should I use a different compiler? As far as I have tested clang also
> doesn't work.

I don't have a 10.9.x system, only 10.8.x, but on that clang
builds work fine. Can you:

1. tell us what commands you used to configure and make?
2. pass "V=1" to make (which will cause it to print the
full command lines it runs) and tell us what the link
command that produced this error was?
3. tell us whether you're trying to do a build from within
a directory with a space in the name...

(For MacOSX builds these days we recommend using clang
as supplied by Apple; it used to be necessary to build
with gcc but it is not any more, and Mac gcc versions
tend to be ancient. However that doesn't look like the
problem to me.)

-- PMM

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