On (Fri) Jan 08 2010 [13:35:03], Jamie Lokier wrote:
> Since VNC is clearly designed to work over TCP, and is written by
> people who know this, I'm wondering why you think it needs to be
> different for virtio-serial.

For vnc putting stuff from a guest clipboard into vnc client clipboard
using the ServerCutText command, the entire buffer has to be provided
after sending the command and the 'length' values.

In this case, if the data from guest arrives in multiple packets, we
really don't want to call into the write function multiple times. A
single clipboard entry has to be created in the client with the entire
contents, so a single write operation has to be invoked.

For this to happen, there has to be some indication from the guest as to
how much data was written in one write() operation, which will let us
make a single write operation to the vnc client.


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