On 05/06/2014 03:55 AM, Markus Armbruster wrote:

>> Keeping the input file easy to write, and more compact than what
>> introspection will output, is a fine tradeoff in my book (easier to
>> maintain if there is less to type; while still having a well-defined
>> conversion to the formal output form).
> Unlike the other sugared form, this one adds syntax beyond JSON, namely
> in some (but not all) member names, and that makes it a bit harder to
> stomach for me.

JSON has no requirement that a 'name':'value' object limit the 'name'
portion to just valid identifier characters.  But I do see your point
about the fact that we are parsing a sigil of '*' as the first character
of 'name' as sugar.

> Whether it's worthwhile depends on how common the case "optional, no
> default" turns out to be.  Wait and see.

It's already VERY common - every optional variable already uses the
syntax.  The question is rather: how many optional variables will be
rewritten to express a default value, vs. those that can be left alone
because the default value is good enough.  A global search-and-replace
could rewrite the entire file to the new syntax for optional variables,
and we could enforce the new more verbose style going forward, but is
the churn worth it?

Eric Blake   eblake redhat com    +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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