On Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 11:16 AM, Claudio Fontana <hw.clau...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Peter,
> I am porting OSv to AArch64, and I have some working code running on
> the Foundation Models,
> where I run qemu natively with --enable-kvm,
> which does not seem to work when run instead on top of the system emulation.
> In particular I get a sync exception when I try to msr to TTBR0_EL1.

How are you configuring TCR register?


> The ESR as read in env->cp15.esr_el[1] is 0x8400000e, which looking up
> in the ESR table means
> Instruction fault, with IFSC (instruction fault status code) = 0xe,
> which should match
> 0b0011LL = permission fault (LL indicates level at which fault occurred).
> with LL = 0b10 meaning EL2.
> The code is in particular:
> 00000000401db2d0 <mmu::switch_to_runtime_page_tables()>:
>     401db2d0:   d00037a0        adrp    x0, 408d1000 <unique_mtx+0x10>
>     401db2d4:   9130e000        add     x0, x0, #0xc38
>     401db2d8:   f9400000        ldr     x0, [x0]
>     401db2dc:   92748c00        and     x0, x0, #0xfffffffff000
>     401db2e0:   d5182000        msr     ttbr0_el1, x0
>     401db2e4:   d5033fdf        isb
>     401db2e8:   d00037a0        adrp    x0, 408d1000 <unique_mtx+0x10>
>     401db2ec:   9130e000        add     x0, x0, #0xc38
>     401db2f0:   f9400400        ldr     x0, [x0,#8]
>     401db2f4:   92748c00        and     x0, x0, #0xfffffffff000
>     401db2f8:   d5182020        msr     ttbr1_el1, x0
>     401db2fc:   d5033fdf        isb
>     401db300:   d5033f9f        dsb     sy
>     401db304:   d508831f        tlbi    vmalle1is
>     401db308:   d5033f9f        dsb     sy
>     401db30c:   d5033fdf        isb
>     401db310:   d65f03c0        ret
> ELR_EL1 in env->elr_el[1] reads as 0x401da200, which is strangely
> enough the address of the first instruction of the exception vector
> entry for sync:
>         ...
>     401da200:   14000169        b       401da7a4 <entry_sync>
>     401da204:   d503201f        nop
>         ...
>     401da280:   14000174        b       401da850 <entry_irq>
>     401da284:   d503201f        nop
> The source is available at:
> https://github.com/cloudius-systems/osv/blob/master/arch/aarch64/mmu.cc
> Thanks for any advice,
> Claudio

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