On 01/21/2010 03:09 PM, Luiz Capitulino wrote:
{"QMP": {"capabilities": ["async messages"]}}
{ "execute": "query-qmp-mode" }
{"return": {"mode": "handshake"}}
{ "execute": "change", "arguments": { "device": "vnc", "target": "password", "arg":
"1234" } }
{"error": {"class": "QMPInvalidModeCommad", "desc": "The issued command is invalid in this
mode", "data": {}}}
{ "execute": "async_msg_enable", "arguments": { "name": "STOP" } }
{"return": {}}
enable-capability "async messages"
disable-capability "async messages"
I think that's a bit more obvious and it means that a client doesn't
have to maintain a mapping of features -> enable functions. It's also
strange to use an enable command to disable something.
Anthony Liguori