Il 01/07/2014 19:39, Ross Philipson ha scritto:

We do IGD pass-through in our project (XenClient). The patches
originally came from our project. We surface the same ISA bridge and
have never had activation issues on any version of Widows from XP to
Win8. We do not normally run server platforms so I can't say for sure

The problem is not activation, the problem is that the patches are making assumptions on the driver and the firmware that might work today but are IMHO just not sane.

I would have no problem with a clean patchset that adds a new machine type and doesn't touch code in "-M pc", but it looks like mst disagrees. Ultimately, if a patchset is too hacky for upstream, you can include it in your downstream XenClient (and XenServer) QEMU branch. It happens.


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