Il 13/10/2014 08:06, Alexandre DERUMIER ha scritto:
> Also, about drive-mirror, I had tried with detect-zeroes with simple qcow2 
> file, 
> and It don't seem to help.
> I'm not sure that detect-zeroes is implement in drive-mirror.
> also, the target mirrored volume don't seem to have the detect-zeroes option
> # info block
> drive-virtio1: /source.qcow2 (qcow2)
>     Detect zeroes:    on
> #du -sh source.qcow2 : 2M
> drive-mirror  source.qcow2 -> target.qcow2
> # info block
> drive-virtio1: /target.qcow2 (qcow2)
> #du -sh target.qcow2 : 11G

Ah, you're right.  We need to add an options field, or use a new
blockdev-mirror command.


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