Want to do something cool with QEMU?  Whether you are a developer or
user, you can help us create the QEMU Advent Calendar 2014!

I've had this whacky idea for a while and the right time of year has
finally come.  When I was a kid each year I would get an advent
calendar for December...

An advent calendar is a calendar that counts down days until
Christmas.  Each day has a window that is opened to reveal a surprise
(often chocolate or pictures):

The QEMU Advent Calendar 2014 will be a website that reveals a new
disk image for download each day in December.  Launching the disk
image under QEMU will bring up a nice surprise!

Volunteers are needed to create disk images and to build the website.

Disk images:
 * Need a disk image for each day: 1-25 December
 * Must be freely redistributable (i.e. no proprietary license that
prevents distribution)
 * Ideally under 100 MB per disk image
 * Please include a command-line for launching the disk image
 * Please include a short description of the disk image with hints on
what to try

Ideas list for disk images (reply if you want to volunteer to create the image):
 * Slackware 1.0 with Linux 0.99pl11 (1993)
 * ReactOS
 * Haiku
 * MINIX 3
 * Plan 9
 * QEMU inside QEMU - nested emulation (how many levels can you do?!)
 * FreeDOS boot to DOOM or Commander Keen (use shareware version or
open source clone)
 * International Obfuscated C Coding Competition 2004 entry - 32-bit
multitasking operating system (http://www.ioccc.org/2004/gavin.hint)
 * Something s390 :-)
 * Your idea...!

 * Static HTML, CSS, and images
 * Web design help needed!

Please reply to this email thread if you want to volunteer.

Questions?  Feel free to reply or ask on #qemu irc.oftc.net.


PS: The QEMU Advent Calendar 2014 is a secular calendar (not
religious).  The idea is for the QEMU community to create a fun
experience to share with everyone.  You don't need to celebrate
Christmas to participate!

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