On 03/01/2010 12:14 PM, Chris Webb wrote:
We've just seen another VNC related qemu-kvm crash, this time an arithmetic
exception at vnc.c:1424 in the newly release qemu-kvm 0.12.3.

   1423     if (vs->absolute) {
   1424         kbd_mouse_event(x * 0x7FFF / (ds_get_width(vs->ds) - 1),
   1425                         y * 0x7FFF / (ds_get_height(vs->ds) - 1),
   1426                         dz, buttons);
   1427     } else if (vnc_has_feature(vs, VNC_FEATURE_POINTER_TYPE_CHANGE)) {
   1428         x -= 0x7FFF;

and sure enough:

   (gdb) p vs->ds->surface->width
   $1 = 9
   (gdb) p vs->ds->surface->height
   $2 = 1

What a 9x1 display surface is doing on this guest is a mystery to me, but you
definitely can't divide by one less than its height!

Can you reproduce this reliably?  If so, what's the procedure?

BTW, I'd suggest filing this at http://bugs.launchpad.net/qemu


Anthony Liguori

   (gdb) p *vs
   $3 = {csock = 19, ds = 0x1c60fa0, dirty = {{4294967295, 4294967295, 
4294967295, 4294967295,
         4294967295}<repeats 2048 times>}, vd = 0x26a0110, need_update = 1, 
force_update = 0, features = 67,
     absolute = 1, last_x = -1, last_y = -1, vnc_encoding = 5, tight_quality = 
9 '\t', tight_compression = 9 '\t',
     major = 3, minor = 8, challenge = "¹{\177\226\200kÕjéPñÄA¤o)", output = 
{capacity = 925115, offset = 0,
       buffer = 0x28ba4b0 ""}, input = {capacity = 5120, offset = 6, buffer = 0x28b90a0 
     write_pixels = 0x4bb9e0<vnc_write_pixels_generic>, send_hextile_tile = 
     clientds = {flags = 0 '\0', width = 800, height = 600, linesize = 3200, data = 
0x7fcd00ab6010 "", pf = {
         bits_per_pixel = 32 ' ', bytes_per_pixel = 4 '\004', depth = 24 
'\030', rmask = 0, gmask = 0, bmask = 0,
         amask = 0, rshift = 16 '\020', gshift = 8 '\b', bshift = 0 '\0', 
ashift = 24 '\030', rmax = 255 'ÿ',
         gmax = 255 'ÿ', bmax = 255 'ÿ', amax = 255 'ÿ', rbits = 8 '\b', gbits 
= 8 '\b', bbits = 8 '\b',
         abits = 8 '\b'}}, audio_cap = 0x0, as = {freq = 44100, nchannels = 2, 
fmt = AUD_FMT_S16, endianness = 0},
     read_handler = 0x4beac0<protocol_client_msg>, read_handler_expect = 6, 
modifiers_state = '\0'<repeats 255 times>,
     zlib = {capacity = 0, offset = 0, buffer = 0x0}, zlib_tmp = {capacity = 0, 
offset = 0, buffer = 0x0},
     zlib_stream = {{next_in = 0x0, avail_in = 0, total_in = 0, next_out = 0x0, 
avail_out = 0, total_out = 0, msg = 0x0,
         state = 0x0, zalloc = 0, zfree = 0, opaque = 0x0, data_type = 0, adler 
= 0, reserved = 0}, {next_in = 0x0,
         avail_in = 0, total_in = 0, next_out = 0x0, avail_out = 0, total_out = 
0, msg = 0x0, state = 0x0, zalloc = 0,
         zfree = 0, opaque = 0x0, data_type = 0, adler = 0, reserved = 0}, 
{next_in = 0x0, avail_in = 0, total_in = 0,
         next_out = 0x0, avail_out = 0, total_out = 0, msg = 0x0, state = 0x0, 
zalloc = 0, zfree = 0, opaque = 0x0,
         data_type = 0, adler = 0, reserved = 0}, {next_in = 0x0, avail_in = 0, 
total_in = 0, next_out = 0x0,
         avail_out = 0, total_out = 0, msg = 0x0, state = 0x0, zalloc = 0, 
zfree = 0, opaque = 0x0, data_type = 0,
         adler = 0, reserved = 0}}, next = 0x0}

   (gdb) p *vs->ds
   $4 = {surface = 0x1c81f40, opaque = 0x26a0110, gui_timer = 0x0, allocator = 
0x8199d0, listeners = 0x1c95fa0,
     mouse_set = 0, cursor_define = 0, next = 0x0}

   (gdb) p *vs->ds->surface
   $5 = {flags = 2 '\002', width = 9, height = 1, linesize = 36, data = 0x7fcd00ab6010 
"", pf = {
       bits_per_pixel = 32 ' ', bytes_per_pixel = 4 '\004', depth = 24 '\030', 
rmask = 16711680, gmask = 65280,
       bmask = 255, amask = 0, rshift = 16 '\020', gshift = 8 '\b', bshift = 0 
'\0', ashift = 24 '\030', rmax = 255 'ÿ',
       gmax = 255 'ÿ', bmax = 255 'ÿ', amax = 255 'ÿ', rbits = 8 '\b', gbits = 
8 '\b', bbits = 8 '\b', abits = 8 '\b'}}


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