Chris Wright <> wrote:
> Please send in any agenda items you are interested in covering.

- flexible migration:  I hope to sent an RFC patch on time for the
  call.  idea is to use subsections.

- callbacks.  block migration introduced several callbacks:
  * cancel()
  * get_status()
  * release()
  in spice we need now another to callbacks: on_start() and on_end().
   * on_start(): tells spice that migration has started (it will then
     manage certificates, passwords, ... itself)
   * on_end(): it is called when migration ends.  spice use it to
     transparently connect to the new host and user don't have to "reconnect"

- what to do on migration error:
  - target side:  libvirt folks want the program to print a message if
    it fails.  Current code spent 100% cpu time doing select on a closed
    fd.  (patches already on the list to make it wait without using
  - source side: current behaviour if migration fails is to stop the
    vm.  We have requests to make it continue (remember that this is
    live migration).  what to do?  adding a paramenter like the block
    any better ideas.

- block migration: it added the set_params() callback, investigating
  why.  I think that it can be done with inside block_save_live(), but I
  haven't investigated it fully yet.

Later, Juan.

> thanks,
> -chris

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