On 9 January 2015 at 17:19, Marc-André Lureau
<marcandre.lur...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Learn to use the GCoroutine library instead of qemu own coroutine
> implementation.
> GCoroutine is hosted on github:
> https://github.com/elmarco/gcoroutine
> This allows to share the same coroutine implementation between various
> projects (gtk-vnc and spice-gtk). It is related to the effort to push
> coroutine support in GLib. See also:
> https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=719362
> Notes:
> - there are no GCoroutine releases, the API isn't frozen
> - this patch hasn't been thoroughly tested
> - GCoroutine doesn't implement pools yet
> - GCoroutine is missing sigaltstack based coroutines
> - spice-gtk and gtk-vnc patches are being worked on

It's bad enough having four coroutine backends without adding
yet another one :-(  I'm not sure we should take this patch
unless/until GCoroutine is fully implemented and supported in a
common enough version of glib that we could delete at least
one of our other backends in favour of this...

-- PMM

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