In QEMU there are a number of features which involve communication with an
external system over an I/O channel of some form. The features include
migration, NBD, VNC and character devices. The I/O channel in question might
might be a FIFO pipe, a PTY, a TCP socket, a UNIX domain socket, RMDA channel
or something else, while the external system can be another QEMU, libvirt, an
NBD server, or something else.

Currently the only place where there is any meaningful level of security is
the VNC server, which supports the VeNCrypt extension providing TLS sessions
for data encryption and x509 cert validation for authentication, and the SASL
extension which also provides either encryption of authentication or both.
The migration data channel is more or less completely unprotected unless it
is tunnelled via libvirt or equivalent external secure channel. The same is
true for NBD, though there was a recent discussion about defining an extension
to use TLS. Likewise serial ports, parallel ports, virtio consoles all use the
chardev backends which offer no security features.

There are some other network related pieces in QEMU, namely the built-in iSCSI,
RBD, NFS clients, and SPICE server. Since those are all implemented via 3rd
party libraries rather than natively by QEMU I'm going ignore them for the sake
of this discussion and focus on network interaction directly implemented in

We have a broad goal in OpenStack that every network channel in use must have
encryption and authentication capabilities. Currently all the communication
channels between the end user and the cloud infrastructure edge servers are
secured, but internally a number of the cloud infrastructure components are
unsecured. For example, we recommend to tunnel migration via libvirt, though
that excludes use of the NBD for block migration since libvirt can't currently
tunnel that. Internally we will shortly use  VeNCrypt for protecting VNC
between the compute hosts and the openstack console proxy edge servers. We
are lacking the abilty to secure serial ports between the compute nods and
console proxy.

Essentially the project considers that it is no longer sufficient to consider
the private management LAN (on which the cloud infrastructure is deployed) to
be fully trusted; it must be considered hostile.

So back to QEMU/KVM, we want to have

 - Native support for encryption & authentication with migration, since
   tunnelling via libvirt has a non-negligble performance overhead adding
   both latency and CPU load

 - Native support for encryption & authentication with NBD server to enable
   security of the block migration service

 - Native support for encryption & authentication with chardev TCP backends
   to enable security of the serial port consoles.

As a starting point, the desire is to have TLS for session encryption and
x509 certificate verification for authentication, but at a later date we'd
also like to add the ability to use SASL for either aspect too. Thinking about
QEMU users in general, it would probably be useful if any impl could allow for
future enhancements such as SSH tunnelling too.

I have some development cycles available to work on addressing these gaps in
QEMU, along with relevant experiance since I did the previous VNC server work
for adding TLS and SASL in QEMU, along with similar in libvirt and GTK-VNC.

Having looked at the QEMU code for VNC, migration and chardevs I think the
main stumbling block is currently that QEMU does not have any kind of standard
approach for dealing with I/O channels internally. Migration has the QEMUFile
abstraction, but it is currently fairly coupled to the migration code itself
and limited in scope, because it doesn't actually deal with socket listen
or connect tasks. That's still part of the migration code itself, QEMUFile
only deals with I/O transfer, so it is a pretty incomplete abstraction layer.
The chardev code has a backend abstraction, but that is really horribly
entwined with the chardev code so not reusable in any way without a rewrite
from scratch IMHO. The VNC server has alot of useful code for dealing with
TLS & SASL, but it is somewhat entwined with the VNC server. The VNC server
doesn't use any I/O abstraction just preferring raw FDs / sockets. I've not
looked at the NBD code in detail, but I'm presuming it is using raw FDs /

Since this TLS/SASL code is non-trivial (and obviously security critical), I
really don't want to end up with 4 separate places to implement it in QEMU.
IMHO the only practical / sensible approach is to define some kind of standard
I/O channel API internally to QEMU which migration, NBD, chardev and VNC all
use. That gives us a single place to integrate all the security mechanisms
we need to support.  In libvirt we did something like this a little while
ago by defining a standard internal sockets API[1], with plugins for things
like SASL[2], TLS[4] and SSH[5] and it has been very successful in simplifying
the code by centralizing the hairy logic, though I wouldn't aim for exactly
the same design if doing it again - a more layered approach like QEMU blockdev
drivers is probably better in retrospect.

So my idea would be that we define a QEMUChannel object and set of APIs to
standardize all interaction with sockets, pipes, RDMA, whatever $channel,
and then convert the QEMU features I've mentioned over to use that. I think
that would be simpler than trying to untangle QEMUFile code from migration
and then extend its features.

A rough plan of attack would be to split the work in a number of distinct

 - Define a basic QEMUChannel object & APIs.

 - Convert chardev backend to the QEMUChannel API

 - Convert migration to the QEMUChannel API

 - Convert NBD to the QEMUChannel API

 - Introduce support for TLS to the QEMUChannel object

 - Introduce support for SASL to the QEMUChannel object

 - Convert VNC server to the QEMUChannel API

 - Integrate TLS in migration  (eg flags turn it on/off via CLI/monitor)

 - Integrate TLS in NBD (eg flags to turn it on/off via CLI/monitor)

 - Integrate TLS in chardev backend  (eg flags to turn it on/off via 

Aside from the first task, I'm not sure that's the best/right order to do
the work, it is merely the rough set of pieces I see as required. I've also
no idea how long this would take. It is clearly a pretty large task given
the different areas of code it touchs.

In terms of openstack priorities though, migration is the most important,
which would be tackling migration + NBD, with chardevs being a secondary
importance. Converting VNC is obviously lowest priority since that already
has security - it is just a sanity thing to avoid having two inmpls of TLS
in QEMU long term. There would also need to be unit tests for key peices
of functionality added along the way, especially for security critical tasks
like TLS certificate validation.

It should go without saying, but just in case, any conversion of chardev
and migration code would have to meet feature parity and especially
performance parity for migration when compared like-for-like features.
eg we should not regress in performance of uncrypted migration vs the
current impl, but encrypted migration might be slower for obvious
reasons (depends on level of encryption alg offload to the CPU)


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