On Mon, Feb 9, 2015 at 12:44 AM, Xin Tong <trent.t...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I would like to do GSOC this summer. The project i have in mind is to
> implement a set of facilities to make implementing Hardware
> transactional memory (HTM) easier in QEMU.
> HTM has become available in many architecture supported by QEMU, e.g.
> i386, PowerPC, etc. Currently, necessary memory tracking. conflict
> detection and transaction rollbak/commit are not available in QEMU. As
> a result, HTM is supported in a very rudimentary fashion in PowerPC,
> i.e. the transaction begins (tbegin in PowerPC) always trigger a fault
> to the fallback code path. Even though HTM is supported by different
> architectures, the underlying principle are very similar and therefore
> it is beneficial to provide a set of facilities to make implementing
> HTM easier in QEMU.
> These facilities should include.
> A modified software TLB to make memory address and value tracking simple.
> A performant and memory efficient value/address tracking facility to
> detect read/write conflicts for transactions.
> A performant and memory efficient mechanism to rollback and commit
> memory accesses.
> A mechanism to abort transactions on the current processor as well as
> remote processor.
> I will come up with a more detailed proposal as application time draws
> close. Any suggestions are appreciated at the moment.

Hi Xin,
Thanks for proposing this project idea.  There haven't been any
responses yet.  I have CCed Alexander Graf and David Gibson, who have
worked on the PowerPC target, and Richard Henderson in case he's
interested in transactional memory.

You need to find a mentor willing to supervise this project idea.
Hopefully bumping this email thread will remind people to consider
your idea.

If no QEMU regular contributors are willing to mentor the project idea
then I'm afraid you would have to choose another idea to apply for
QEMU GSoC.  Let me know if you have any questions or need help.


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