> On 02 Apr 2015, at 13:36, Leon Alrae <leon.al...@imgtec.com> wrote:
>> How would you pass arguments containing whitespaces via
>> -semihosting-config cmdline without having to reinvent shell within QEMU?
> I missed the fact that you already provided the implementation for this
> below...

for completeness:

ilg-mbp:gnuarmeclipse-qemu.git ilg$ "/Applications/GNU ARM 
Eclipse/QEMU/2.2.91-201504021111-dev/bin/qemu-system-gnuarmeclipse" -verbose 
-machine STM32-H103 -gdb tcp::1234 -semihosting-config 
enable=on,target=native,cmdline='n "1 a" 2 3'

GNU ARM Eclipse QEMU v2.2.91 (qemu-system-gnuarmeclipse).
Board: 'STM32-H103' (Olimex Header Board for STM32F103RBT6 (Experimental)).
Device: 'STM32F103RB' (cortex-m3, MPU), Flash: 128 KB, RAM: 20 KB.
Command line: 'n "1 a" 2 3' (11 bytes).
GDB Server listening on: 'tcp::1234'...
... connection accepted from

Execute 'mon system_reset'.
main(argc=4, argv=["n", "1 a", "2", "3"]);
Hello ARM World!

(note: while testing this I encountered and fixed a small bug in my args parser)

> ... But still, the main point of arg is to keep it simple
> ... can have a wrapper responsible for parsing the command line and
> translating into QEMU command line options.

sure, in Unix any such trick is feasible, but what do you do with the 
unfortunate Windows users?



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