(Please forgive (and correct!) any inaccuracies in my description of qemu's workings - I've only recently started looking at it directly, rather than through the lens of libvirt)

libvirt implements a "domain restore" operation by:

0) start with a previously saved domain image in a file

1) open the domain image, and connect it to a pipe

2) fork, connect the pipe to stdin, and exec qemu with "-incoming exec:cat"

3) execute "cont" in that qemu's monitor.

(for those familiar with the code, you can look at the src/qemu/eqmu_driver.c:qemudDomainRestore() in the libvirt source).

Although this works successfully for most people, I'm consistently seeing a problem on my particular hardware (Intel Core 2 Duo 2.2Ghz) that causes this domain restore to fail. It seems that the "cont" command takes effect before the restore is completed (possibly/probably before it even starts?) resulting in a failed restore - the domain is left in some random state, sometimes rebooting spontaneously, sometimes just hung.

If I insert a usleep(250 * 1000) between starting up qemu with "-incoming exec:cat" and issuing "cont" to start the CPUs, the restore is successful 100% of the time.

I've been told that once the incoming migration starts, the monitor will be non-responsive until it is complete. This should mean that as long as the "cont" isn't issued until after the migration starts, it will be blocked until the migration is complete, thus protecting us from the race; for this reason (along with the fact that a 250msec sleep is enough to cure the problem) I'm thinking it's likely the "cont" happens before the migration starts.

There is, of course, an "info migrate" command in the monitor that could be used to assure the migration had completed before issuing "cont", but that command only works for outgoing migrations, not incoming (presumably if it was available, checking the info prior to the migration starting would return "not started" (or something similar), and once it had started, the entire monitor interface would block until the migrate was completed).

Can someone provide any insight on why it is possible to start the CPUs in the domain before the incoming migration is complete, and what we can do (other than blindly sleeping) to prevent this?

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