Adding Vadim to the thread.

> On May 29, 2015, at 5:43 PM, Philipp Hahn <> wrote:
> Hello,
> we tried to migrate some Windows 2008 and 2012 VMs from Xen to KVM, but
> installing the VirtIO viostor.sys driver fails, because the signature of
> the driver doesn't seem to match what's stored in the corresponding .cat
> file.

Can you send the error message you are getting from Windows? If possible attach 
setupapi.log as well (search your system for setupapi.*, the location might be 
different for different OS versions).

> On the other hand installing the drivers during a fresh install from the
> beginning never had any problems.
> We use
> <>
> but also tried "virtio-win-0.1.103.iso" and "virtio-win-0.1-81.iso".
> Running the following command on 0.1.104 prints (among others) the
> following sha1hash:
>> "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\bin\x86\signtool.exe" /verify
> /v /kp E:\NetKVM\2k12\amd64\netkvm.sys
> ...
>> Hash of file (sha1): 135E3AA23217610AEE8046F68550B0BA86F4EAE6
>> "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\bin\x86\signtool.exe" /verify
> /v /kp E:\viostor\2k12\amd64\viostor.sys
> ...
>> Hash of file (sha1): EF11F5E539EEE0A9DB6DF3710A0DAA35066C5607
> Looking into the corresponding .cat "Security Catalog File"
> - contains the above given hash for netkvm.sys,
> - contains 55FC4DA2EE96ECC3FD4865680436DCDA6B8C6BDD instead!
> Running "sha1sum" on Linux print some completely different hashes, so I
> don't know what the Microsoft tool actually hash:
>> # sha1sum /cdrom/NetKVM/2k12/amd64/netkvm.sys 
>> /cdrom/viostor/2k12/amd64/viostor.sys 
>> 1aa91c8e1d7680457d92c1875810a79f68af536d  /cdrom/NetKVM/2k12/amd64/netkvm.sys
>> f39bc2b561091addfcac30e370227c91700d2698  
>> /cdrom/viostor/2k12/amd64/viostor.sys
> Is this a known issue?

There was some mismatch  reported between Windows and sha1sum on Linux.

> Are there some (working) alternatives?
> Are there some Linux tools to work with the .cat files and signatures to
> make sure they match?
> Is there some better mailing list for VirtIO Windows driver issues?

Vadim and I monitor qemu-devel, you can also open bug in 
<> for virtio-win component or report an issue here: 

> Some more background for our migration procedure:
> - The VM was installed some years are on Xen.
> - The GPLPV drivers were added afterwards.
> - For the migration the GPLPV drivers were disabled and then removed.
> - A 2nd VirtIO hard-disk was added in KVM to trigger Windows to request
> the virstor driver.
> If you need any more data, just ask.
> Thanks in advance
> Philipp Hahn
> PS: data was copied by hand from Windows, so it might contains
> copy-paste-errors.
> -- 
> Philipp Hahn
> Open Source Software Engineer
> Univention GmbH
> be open.
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