Hi Paolo,
As mentioned in below email, The type of wwn is reported as uint64, But
in qemu command line, The max valid value for wwn is
0x7fffffffffffffff. Obviously, it's treated as int64 there. I'd like to
know that does the highest bit of _world wide name_ have special
meaning and must be zero? May I have your thoughts?
在 2015年07月31日 16:28, Lin Ma 写道:
Hi all,
Because qemu uses strtoll to parse string in parse_str function of
qapi/string-input-visitor.c, I'd like to know why the parameters of
scsi-hd device which are specified as uint64(says wwn) are getting
interpreted as signed long int's instead
# qemu-system-x86_64 -device scsi-hd,?
Does the highest bit of wwn value have special meaning and it must be
a zero?
Thanks in advance,