
I think having two gfx screens mapped to two qemu consoles, then be able
to switch between them via Ctrl-Alt-<nr>  (like you switch today to text
consoles) could be doable without too much effort.  Question is how
useful this would be as you can't see your two screens at the same time.

Actually I was thinking of registering multiple graphic consoles, each
of them could be rendered by a different frontend (sdl/vnc)
independently. We would have multiple DisplayStates for that.

Possible, but certainly alot of work. Tons of code in qemu can't handle multiple DisplayStates. Try it and you'll see.

With qxl+spice the spice client will open a new window for the secondary
display.  With vnc+sdl you'll see the primary display only.

So you are doing exactly what I wrote above, right?

No. The secondary display has no DisplayState. That is the reason why only the spice client will see it.


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