Hi; just a reminder that QEMU 2.5 rc3 is planned for this Thursday, the 1st December. (http://wiki.qemu.org/Planning/2.5#Release_Schedule) This is our last scheduled release candidate, so please make sure you get all outstanding bugfixes for 2.5 in before then. As usual I intend to only roll an extra rc4 for any critical bugfixes that show up after rc3.
If there's anything you aren't sure you're going to be able to get in a pull request by Thursday please let me know so we can decide whether it's better to slip rc3 by a day or so. Listing bugs/patches that need to go into 2.5 on the Planning page on the wiki is a good way to ensure I don't miss them by mistake. Thanks for your help in getting the release out the door more or less on time. thanks -- PMM