Paolo Bonzini <> writes:

> On 20/01/2016 11:03, Janosch Frank wrote:
>> In python 3:
>> 1/2 == 0.5
>> 1//2 == 0
>> but a // b == floor(a/b), i.e. a cast is made.
>> Anyway, I got rid of the import with:
>> -(-len_desc // 4)
> I would change that to either:
>     def ceil_div(a, b)
>         return -(-a // b)
>     ...
>     ceil_div(len_desc, 4)
> or
>     (len_desc + 3) / 4

The latter is *far* easier on my eyes.  But you'd still have to truncate
for Python 3.

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