21.01.2016 14:37, Richard W.M. Jones wrote:

> I'm afraid I gave up on this -- did give it my best.  It turns out
> that the machine that I thought supported UEFI boot does not.  I'll
> keep an eye out for such a machine and test this in future.

BTW, why do you guys refer to UEFI boot all the time?  The whole thing
is equally useful on traditional BIOS-booting machines too.  Windows7
uses the same mechanism (looking at RSDT) for offline activation no
matter if it is EFI system or not.

When I did first version of my patch (based on someone else's version,
but details escapes my memory already), there was no UEFI support for
qemu whatsoever, and it allowed me to use my OEM version of Windows7
inside a qemu virtual machine without second activation.



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