Kevin Wolf <> writes:

> Am 15.06.2010 15:44, schrieb Avi Kivity:
>> On 06/10/2010 08:45 PM, Markus Armbruster wrote:
>>>     * Our config file format is in INI syntax.  QemuOpts correspond to
>>>       INI sections.  Sections can't be nested, so recursive QemuOpts
>>>       don't translate.
>> git (and probably others) use
>> [a "b"]
>>      c = d
>> for
>>     a.b.c=d
>>>     Examples:
>>>     * Single protocol:
>>>       -blockdev id=blk1,format=raw,protocol=[file,file=fedora.img]
>>>       Requires suitable syntactic sugar to get the simple form (*).
>>>     * blkdebug
>>>       -blockdev id=blk2,format=qcow2,\
>>>       protocol=[blkdebug,config=test.blkdebug,\
>>>       protocol=[file,file=test.qcow2]]
>>>     * Avi's mirror:
>>>       -blockdev id=blk3,format=raw,\
>>>       protocol=[mirror,\
>>>       [file,file=local.img],\
>>>       [nbd,domain=unix,sockert=nbd-sock]]
>>> 2. We already have a syntax to specify trees, namely JSON, so use it
>>>     If -blockdev's argument starts with '{', it's a JSON object suitable
>>>     as argument of blockdev_add in QMP.
>>>     We still provide ordinary QemuOpts syntax for the cases that can be
>>>     expressed with it, i.e. single protocol.
>>>     I figure we'd want syntactic sugar for blkdebug, to permit its use
>>>     from the command line without having to resort to JSON.
>> Might be nice as a general extension to QemuOpts.
> I agree.
>>> 3. Stack protocols through named references
>>>     The first protocol is "inlined" into -blockdev.  Any further
>>>     protocols need to be referenced by name.
>>>     Best explained by example:
>>>     * Single protocol:
>>>       -blockdev id=blk1,format=raw,protocol=file,file=fedora.img
>>>       To get the simple form (*), make protocol optional with a suitable
>>>       default.
>>>     * blkdebug
>>>       -blockdev 
>>> id=blk2,format=qcow2,protocol=blkdebug,config=test.blkdebug,\
>>>       base=blk2-base
>>>       -blockproto id=blk2-base,protocol=file,file=test.qcow2
>>>     * Avi's mirror:
>>>       -blockdev id=blk3,format=raw,protocol=mirror,\
>>>       base=blk3-base1,base=blk3=base2
>>>       -blockproto id=blk3-base1,protocol=file,file=local.img
>>>       -blockproto id=blk3-base2,protocol=nbd,domain=unix,sockert=nbd-sock
>>>     Anything but a single protocol becomes pretty verbose.  Syntactic
>>>     sugar for the blkdebug case would be possible; not sure it's worth
>>>     it.
>>>     No QemuOpts syntax changes.  INI can handle this just fine.
>> Looks like the least painful option as no new infrastructure is needed.  
>> I'd go with this.
> But it's painful to type for the user. After all -blockdev on the
> command line is for the user, as tools should use QMP. Also note that
> this syntax mixes format and protocol options on one line which I
> consider confusing at best.
> As I told Markus already in private before he posted this, I prefer the
> bracket solution for its clarity and simplicity, even though it comes at
> the cost of having additional characters that need to be escaped.

I dont't think 1. is less painful than 3.  Let's compare the two:

* Single protocol: identical with suitable syntactical sugar, namely

      -blockdev id=blk1,file=fedora.img

  Unsugared it's

      -blockdev id=blk1,format=raw,protocol=[file,file=fedora.img]

      -blockdev id=blk1,format=raw,protocol=file,file=fedora.img

  I sure prefer the latter.  The brackets look like noise.  You need to
  understand protocol stacking for them to make any sense.

  Regarding confusion caused by mixing format and protocol options: yes,
  the brackets force you to distinguish between protocol options and
  other options.  But I doubt that'll reduce confusion here.  Either you
  understand protocols.  Then I doubt you need brackets to unconfuse
  you.  Or you don't understand protocols.  Then whether to put an
  option inside or outside the brackets is voodoo.

* blkdebug:

      -blockdev id=blk2,format=qcow2,\


      -blockdev id=blk2,format=qcow2,protocol=blkdebug,config=test.blkdebug,\
      -blockproto id=blk2-base,protocol=file,file=test.qcow2

  Both look equally painfull to me.  It's slightly shorter with
  brackets, but I can't recognize "clarity and simplicity" there.

  To really reduce pain, we'd have to invent special-purpose syntactic
  sugar in either case.

* Avi's mirror:

      -blockdev id=blk3,format=raw,\


      -blockdev id=blk3,format=raw,protocol=mirror,\
      -blockproto id=blk3-base1,protocol=file,file=local.img
      -blockproto id=blk3-base2,protocol=nbd,domain=unix,sockert=nbd-sock

  Same as for blkdebug.

Both with brackets and with -blockproto the protocol is clearly
separated.  Only the topmost protocol isn't with -blockproto.  I keep
that in -blockdev merely for brevity.  It could live in its own

Brackets cause some ugly complications, both in the code and in the user
interface, as detailed in my original message.  We need some pretty
convincing advantages to justify those complications.  I can't see them.

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