On Thu, Aug 18, 2016 at 01:31:19PM +0000, Nir Levy wrote:
> Daniel, Thanks for your response.
> But I have succeeded using simpletrace when building libvirt from source file 
> into some/other/dir/install

I can only assume you built libvirt so that qemu runs as root,
instead of an unprivileged user account, and/or have not enabled
selinux for libvirt.

> I am using Fedora22 which does not support lttng.
> at the mather of fact I have installed lttng before and build the kernel 
> modules (2.6.0) still no trace generated.
> Michael Jeanson is working for supplying modules (2.8.0) for the next fedora 
> (25)
> fedora 23 and 24 do support systemtap but not over 22 on my kernel 4.2.8 
> (which we stick to in Asocs due to known performance degradation in later 
> releases)

systemtap is supported in all Fedora releases - if there's any
problems do file bugs against it, as its expected to work as
it is the supported tracing mechanism for Fedora with qemu and

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|: http://libvirt.org              -o-             http://virt-manager.org :|
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