Hi all,

This is the first time I am playing with QEmu.

I made a custom qemu device in oder to monitor all memory accesses (sdram, 
flash, peripherals, gpio, ...).

The device is parent of TYPE_SYS_BUS_DEVICE and implements a MemoryRegionOps 
with read/write functions.

The device is part of virt machine, so I called my device contructor from 
virt.c (fct machvirt_init line 1256).

The constructor set the mmio device range from 0 to RAMLIMIT_BYTES.

The device is well initialized but read/write functions are never called...

Did I miss something ?

If I want to create a dynamically allocated device that can be used by all QEmu 
machine without adding the device constructor for each machine, how can I 
process ?

Thank you a lot for any help.

Best regards,


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