Am 17.08.2010 um 21:56 schrieb Anthony Liguori:

I think my point is that Win32 is a "never to be finished feature".

Every time I've ever tried to use it, it's a short period of time before it seg faults. I have a hard time believing that anyone is using it seriously.

No "serious" Windows user will consider QEMU a viable alternative to the free-as-in-beer VMware as long as it doesn't provide a neat graphical user interface which is on par for stuff like changing the virtual CD (i.e., avoiding the monitor console) or configuring things.

Slightly similar lately on Mac OS X x86 with VirtualBox as semi-free virtualization solution. Unfortunately the Q project made the bad move of importing a CVS snapshot of QEMU into their SVN, so you could no longer properly work against upstream.

Maybe it's time to rethink the relation between QEMU and its frontends / management tools? If we want to compete with the commercial products (sic), we might agree on some "official" frontend per GUI-centric platform, with a Git-based repository (like qemu- kvm.git) and synchronized releases that may call themselves "QEMU", linked from, rather than having a variety of (outdated) Q* frontends per platform of which most are nothing more than a configuration window to spawn the regular qemu[-system-x86_64]. Currently what QEMU can point with is richer machine and hardware emulation and its license; if we want more users than that, we'll need to deliver what users usually want the most - stability, performance and ease of use... and good marketing.


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