On 12/14/2016 09:08 AM, Alex Bligh wrote:
> (NB: I've already applied this and pushed it)
> * Change NBD_OPT_LIST_METADATA etc. to explicitly send a list of queries
>   and add a count of queries so we can extend the command later (rather than
>   rely on the length of option)
> * For NBD_OPT_LIST_METADATA make absence of any query (as opposed to zero
>   length query) list all contexts, as absence of any query is now simple.
> * Move definition of namespaces in the document to somewhere more appopriate.
> * Various other minor changes as discussed on the mailing list

> +Metadata contexts are identified by their names. The name MUST
> +consist of a namespace, followed by a colon, followed by a leaf-name.
> +The namespace and the leaf-name must each consist entirely of
> +printable non-whitespace UTF-8 characters other than colons,
> +and be non-empty. The entire name (namespace, colon and leaf-name)
> +MUST NOT exceed 255 bytes (and therefore botht he namespace and

s/botht he/both the/

Eric Blake   eblake redhat com    +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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