Le 24/12/2016 à 10:01, Thomas Huth a écrit :
>  Hi all,
> the last door of the QEMU advent calendar 2016 can now be opened
> (http://www.qemu-advent-calendar.org/2016/index.html#day-24), so we'd
> now like to say thank you to everybody who has contributed to or
> followed the advent calendar! It was fun to come up with all these disk
> images and we hope that you've also found some surprises that you enjoyed.
> Happy holidays to everybody and best wishes for the New Year!
>  Thomas
> PS: If you are interested in helping with a future edition of the QEMU
> advent calendar, please get in touch!

Thank you Kashyap and Thomas!

It was fun to discover everyday a new disk image!


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