On 01/19/17 08:09, Ben Warren wrote:
>> On Jan 18, 2017, at 4:02 PM, Ben Warren <b...@skyportsystems.com>
>> wrote:
>> Hi Michael,
>>> On Jan 17, 2017, at 9:45 AM, Michael S. Tsirkin <m...@redhat.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> On Mon, Jan 16, 2017 at 10:57:42AM -0800, Ben Warren wrote:
>>>> I think we have a misunderstanding here.  I'm storing the VM
>>>> Generation ID __data__ (a GUID) in a fw_cfg blob, not the address.
>>> Yes, I think I gathered this much from the discussion. This is what
>>> I'm saying - don't. Have guest loader reserve guest memory and write
>>> the address into a fw cfg blob, and have qemu write the id at that
>>> address. This way you can update guest memory at any time.
>> So I've gone down the path of creating a writeable fw_cfg blob to
>> hold the VGID address, but it doesn't seem to be getting updated.
>> Here's the code I've added:
>> #define VMGENID_FW_CFG_FILE      "etc/vmgenid"
>> #define VMGENID_FW_CFG_ADDR_FILE      "etc/vmgenid_addr"
>> // Create writeable fw_cfg blob, vas->vgia is a GArray of size 8 and element 
>> size 1
>> fw_cfg_add_file_callback(s, VMGENID_FW_CFG_ADDR_FILE, NULL, NULL, 
>> vms->vgia->data, 8, false);
>> // Request BIOS to allocate memory for the read-only DATA file:
>> bios_linker_loader_alloc(linker, VMGENID_FW_CFG_FILE, guid, 0,false);
>> // Request BIOS to allocate memory for the writeable ADDRESS file:
>> bios_linker_loader_alloc(linker, VMGENID_FW_CFG_ADDR_FILE, s->vgia, 0, 
>> false);
>> // Request BIOS to write the address of the DATA file into the ADDRESS file:
>> bios_linker_loader_add_pointer(linker, VMGENID_FW_CFG_ADDR_FILE, 0, 
>> sizeof(uint64_t), VMGENID_FW_CFG_FILE, 0);
>> I've instrumented SeaBIOS and see the requests being made and memcpy
>> to the file happening, but don't see any changes in QEMU in the
>> memory pointed to by VMGENID_FW_CFG_ADDR_FILE.  Is this how writeable
>> fw_cfg is supposed to work?
> Ed explained it to me and I think I get it now.  I realize that you
> and Igor have explained this throughout the e-mail chain, but I'm a
> little bit slower.
> Anyway, is this understanding correct?  BIOS is in fact patching
> fw_cfg data, but it's in a copy of the fw_cfg file that is in guest
> space.  In order to get this to work we would need to add a new
> command to the linker/loader protocol to write back changes to QEMU
> after patching, and of course implement the change in BIOS and UEFI
> projects.

(1) It's not enough to create just the "etc/vmgenid_addr" file; the
"etc/vmgenid" file must exist too, so that the firmware can download it.

(2) I don't understand why you need the ADD_POINTER command here. I
think it's unnecessary.

(3) The ALLOCATE command for "etc/vmgenid_addr" is also unnecessary.

(4) A new ALLOCATE_RETURN_ADDR command type should be introduced, with
the following contents:

        struct {
            char file[BIOS_LINKER_LOADER_FILESZ];
            uint32_t align;
            uint8_t zone;
            char addr_file[BIOS_LINKER_LOADER_FILESZ];
        } alloc_return_addr;

The first three fields have identical meanings to those of the current
ALLOCATE command. The last field instructs the firmware as to what
fw_cfg file to write the 8-byte physical address back to, in little
endian byte order, of the actual allocation.

(5) The linker/loader script should then use one command in total,

  file = etc/vmgenid
  addr_file = etc/vmgenid_addr

This will allow both SeaBIOS and OVMF to do the right thing.

In summary:
- create the read-only "etc/vmgenid" fw_cfg file
- create the writeable "etc/vmgenid_addr" fw_cfg file
- use one ALLOCATE_RETURN_ADDR command, and nothing else.

I hereby volunteer to write the OVMF patch for the ALLOCATE_RETURN_ADDR
command type.

If someone is interested, I'll remind us that EFI_ACPI_TABLE_PROTOCOL
installs *copies* of ACPI tables, out of the fw_cfg blobs that were
downloaded. Therefore OVMF tracks all ADD_POINTER commands that point
into fw_cfg blobs, and if an fw_cfg blob is not pointed-to by *any*
ADD_POINTER command, or else *all* ADD_POINTER commands that point into
it point to ACPI table headers, then OVMF will ultimately free the
originally downloaded fw_cfg blob. If there is at least one referring
ADD_POINTER command that points to non-ACPI-table data within the blob,
then OVMF marks the blob to be preserved permanently, in AcpiNVS type

By introducing the above ALLOCATE_RETURN_ADDR command type, OVMF can do
two things:

(a) immediately mark the blob for permanent preservation (i.e., it won't
    be released after the script processing is complete),
(b) write the actual allocation address back to the appropriate fw_cfg

For SeaBIOS, only (b) matters -- because it doesn't install *copies* of
ACPI tables; it rather keeps everything in place, as originally
allocated, and it just links things together --, but
ALLOCATE_RETURN_ADDR as proposed above should be suitable for SeaBIOS
just as well.


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