On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 11:40:52PM +0200, Dragos Tatulea wrote:
> Hi,
>     I'm starting a  thread related to the TODO item mentioned in the
> subject. Currently still gathering info and trying to make kvm &
> macvtap play nicely together. I have used this [1] guide to set it up
> but qemu is still complaining about the PCI device address of the
> virtio-net-pci. Tried with latest qemu. Am I missing something here?
> [1] - http://virt.kernelnewbies.org/MacVTap
> -- Dragos

It really should be:
 -net nic,model=virtio,netdev=foo -netdev tap,id=foo

Created account but still could not edit
the wiki. Arnd, know why that is? Could you correct qemu
command line pls?


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