I made a diagnostic program for the floating point unit. It will test various PowerPC floating point instructions for compatibility with the PowerPC G3 processor. It was tested on a PowerPC G3 and G5 system. The results of the program in qemu-system-ppc were pretty bad. About every instruction tested is not implemented correctly.

Here is the download link to the program: http://www.mediafire.com/ file/6j9tqubvk73lkw1/floating_point_test_program.zip

Here is the full source code to the program:
/ ************************************************************************ **************
 * File: main.c
 * Date: 4-30-2017
* Description: Implement a test program for various floating point instructions.
 * Note: tests made to work with PowerPC G3 and G5 only.
 * Compiling on Mac OS X: use gcc-3.3 -force_cpusubtype_ALL
 * Note: fsqrt test will not work on PowerPC G3.
************************************************************************ **************/

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <inttypes.h>

// Used to convert unsigned integer <--> double
union Converter
    double d;
    uint64_t i;

typedef union Converter Converter;

/* Describes the name and description of each bit of the FPSCR */
struct fpscr_info
    char name[8];
    char description[100];

struct fpscr_info finfo[] =
    "FX", "Floating-point exception summary",
    "FEX", "Floating-point enabled exception summary",
    "VX", "Floating-point invalid operation exception summary",
    "OX", "Floating-point overflow exception",
    "UX", "Floating-point underflow exception",
    "ZX", "Floating-point zero divide exception",
    "XX", "Floating-point inexact exception",
    "VXSNAN", "Floating-point invalid operation exception for SNaN",
    "VXISI", "Floating-point invalid operation exception for ∞ - ∞",
    "VXIDI", "Floating-point invalid operation exception for ∞/∞",
    "VXZDZ", "Floating-point invalid operation exception for 0/0",
    "VXIMZ", "Floating-point invalid operation exception for ∞ * 0",
"VXVC", "Floating-point invalid operation exception for invalid compare",
    "FR", "Floating-point fraction rounded",
    "FI", "Floating-point fraction inexact",
    "FPRF", "Floating-point result class descriptor ",
    "FPRF", "Floating-point less than or negative",
    "FPRF", "Floating-point greater than or positive",
    "FPRF", "Floating-point equal or zero",
    "FPRF", "Floating-point unordered or NaN",
    "NO NAME", "Reserved - you shouldn't be seeing this",
"VXSOFT", "Floating-point invalid operation exception for software request", "VXSQRT", "Floating-point invalid operation exception for invalid square root", "VXCVI", "Floating-point invalid operation exception for invalid integer convert",
    "VE", "Floating-point invalid operation exception enable",
    "OE", "IEEE floating-point overflow exception enable",
    "UE", "IEEE floating-point underflow exception enable",
    "ZE", "IEEE floating-point zero divide exception enable",
    "XE", "Floating-point inexact exception enable",
    "NI", "Floating-point non-IEEE mode",
    "RN", "Rounding bit 0",
    "RN", "Rounding bit 1",

// Prints all the FPSCR settings that are set in the input
void print_fpscr_settings(uint32_t fpscr)
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
        if ((fpscr >> i) & 0x1 == 1) {
/* right description = 31 - i Oddity of IBM documentation */ printf("bit %d: %s - %s\n", 31-i, finfo[31-i].name, finfo [31-i].description);

#define ZE 27
#define set_fpscr_bit(x) asm volatile ("mtfsb1 %0" : : "i"(x))

/* Keeps track of the number of tests that failed */
int failed_tests = 0;

// Reset the FPSCR
void reset_fpscr()
    asm volatile("mtfsb0 0");
    asm volatile("mtfsb0 1");
    asm volatile("mtfsb0 2");
    asm volatile("mtfsb0 3");
    asm volatile("mtfsb0 4");
    asm volatile("mtfsb0 5");
    asm volatile("mtfsb0 6");
    asm volatile("mtfsb0 7");
    asm volatile("mtfsb0 8");
    asm volatile("mtfsb0 9");
    asm volatile("mtfsb0 10");
    asm volatile("mtfsb0 11");
    asm volatile("mtfsb0 12");
    asm volatile("mtfsb0 13");
    asm volatile("mtfsb0 14");
    asm volatile("mtfsb0 15");
    asm volatile("mtfsb0 16");
    asm volatile("mtfsb0 17");
    asm volatile("mtfsb0 18");
    asm volatile("mtfsb0 19");
    asm volatile("mtfsb0 20");
    asm volatile("mtfsb0 21");
    asm volatile("mtfsb0 22");
    asm volatile("mtfsb0 23");
    asm volatile("mtfsb0 24");
    asm volatile("mtfsb0 25");
    asm volatile("mtfsb0 26");
    asm volatile("mtfsb0 27");
    asm volatile("mtfsb0 28");
    asm volatile("mtfsb0 29");
    asm volatile("mtfsb0 30");
    asm volatile("mtfsb0 31");

    /* Check if everything is alright */
    uint32_t fpscr;
    asm volatile("mffs f0");
    asm volatile("stfd f0, 40(r1)");
    asm volatile("lwz %0, 44(r1)" : "=r"(fpscr));
    if (fpscr != 0) {
        printf("Warning: fpscr not equal to zero: 0x%x\n", fpscr);

 * The action to take if a test fails
 * Input one: message string
 * Input two: actual fpscr value
 * Input three: expected fpscr value
 * Input four: actual answer
 * Input five: expected answer
void test_failed(const char *message, uint32_t actual_fpscr, uint32_t expected_fpscr,
                  uint64_t actual_answer, uint64_t expected_answer)
    printf("%s\n", message);
    printf("expected answer: 0x%" PRIx64 "\n", expected_answer);
    printf("  actual answer: 0x%" PRIx64 "\n", actual_fpscr);
    printf("expected fpscr: 0x%x\n", expected_fpscr);
    printf("  actual fpscr: 0x%x\n", actual_fpscr);

    /* Only print FPSCR bits if there is a difference */
    if (actual_fpscr != expected_fpscr) {
        printf("\nactual FPSCR bits set:\n");
        printf("\nexpected FPSCR bits set:\n");

 * Returns the value of the FPSCR
 * output: unsigned 32 bit integer
uint32_t get_fpscr()
    asm volatile("mffs f0");
    asm volatile("stfd f0, 40(r1)");
    uint32_t return_value;
    asm volatile("lwz %0, 44(r1)" : "=r"(return_value));
    return return_value;

/* The fpscr and answer have to be right for a test to pass. */

/* Test the fadd instruction */
void test_fadd()
    Converter c;
    uint64_t expected_answer = 0x3ff3333333333334;
    uint32_t actual_fpscr, expected_fpscr = 0x82064000;
    asm volatile("fadd %0, %1, %2" : "=f"(c.d) : "f"(0.4), "f"(0.8));
    actual_fpscr = get_fpscr();
    if (actual_fpscr == expected_fpscr && c.i == expected_answer) {
        printf("fadd test passed\n");
    } else {
test_failed("fadd test failed", actual_fpscr, expected_fpscr, c.i, expected_answer);

/* Test the fadds instruction */
void test_fadds()
    Converter c;
    uint64_t expected_answer = 0x407024d500000000;
    uint32_t actual_fpscr, expected_fpscr = 0x82064000;
asm volatile("fadds %0, %1, %2" : "=f"(c.d) : "f"(257.445), "f"(0.857));
    actual_fpscr = get_fpscr();
    if (actual_fpscr == expected_fpscr && c.i == expected_answer) {
        printf("fadds test passed\n");
    } else {
test_failed("fadds test failed", actual_fpscr, expected_fpscr, c.i, expected_answer);

/* Test the fsub instruction */
void test_fsub()
    Converter c;
    uint64_t expected_answer = 0x40f2fd1deb11c6d2;
    uint32_t actual_fpscr, expected_fpscr = 0x4000;
asm volatile("fsub %0, %1, %2" : "=f"(c.d) : "f"(123456.78), "f"(45678.91011));
    actual_fpscr = get_fpscr();
    if (actual_fpscr == expected_fpscr && c.i == expected_answer) {
        printf("fsub test passed\n");
    } else {
test_failed("fsub test failed", actual_fpscr, expected_fpscr, c.i, expected_answer);

/* Test the fsubs instruction */
void test_fsubs()
    Converter c;
    double expected_answer = 0x40884e3d70a3d70a;
    uint32_t actual_fpscr, expected_fpscr = 0x4000;
asm volatile("fsub %0, %1, %2" : "=f"(c.d) : "f"(1234.56), "f"(456.78));
    actual_fpscr = get_fpscr();
    if (actual_fpscr == expected_fpscr && c.i == expected_answer) {
        printf("fsubs test passed\n");
    } else {
test_failed("fsubs test failed", actual_fpscr, expected_fpscr, c.i, expected_answer);

/* Test infinity - infinity */
void test_inf_minus_inf()
    Converter c;
    uint64_t expected_answer = 0x7ff8000000000000;
    uint32_t actual_fpscr, expected_fpscr = 0xa0811000;
    asm volatile("fsub %0, %1, %1" : "=f"(c.d) : "f"(INFINITY));
    actual_fpscr = get_fpscr();
    if (actual_fpscr == expected_fpscr && c.i == expected_answer) {
        printf("inf - inf test passed\n");
    } else {
test_failed("inf - inf test failed", actual_fpscr, expected_fpscr, c.i, expected_answer);

/* Test division by zero */
void test_division_by_zero()
    Converter c;
    uint64_t expected_answer = 0x0;
    uint32_t actual_fpscr, expected_fpscr = 0xc4000010;
    asm volatile("fdiv %0, %1, %2" : "=f"(c.d) : "f"(1.0), "f"(0.0));
    actual_fpscr = get_fpscr();
    if (actual_fpscr == expected_fpscr && c.i == expected_answer) {
        printf("division by zero test passed\n");
    } else {
test_failed("division by zero test failed", actual_fpscr, expected_fpscr, c.i, expected_answer);

/* Test zero divided by zero */
void test_zero_div_zero()
    Converter c;
    uint64_t expected_answer = 0x7ff8000000000000;
    uint32_t actual_fpscr, expected_fpscr = 0xa0211010;
    asm volatile("fdiv %0, %1, %1" : "=f"(c.d) : "f"(0.0), "f"(0.0));
    actual_fpscr = get_fpscr();
    if (actual_fpscr == expected_fpscr && c.i == expected_answer) {
        printf("0/0 test passed\n");
    } else {
test_failed("0/0 test failed", actual_fpscr, expected_fpscr, c.i, expected_answer);

/* Test infinity divided by infinity */
void test_inf_div_inf()
    Converter c;
    uint64_t expected_answer = 0x7ff8000000000000;
    uint32_t actual_fpscr, expected_fpscr = 0xa0411000;
    asm volatile("fdiv %0, %1, %1" : "=f"(c.d) : "f"(INFINITY));
    actual_fpscr = get_fpscr();
    if (actual_fpscr == expected_fpscr && c.i == expected_answer) {
        printf("inf/inf test passed\n");
    } else {
test_failed("inf/inf test failed", actual_fpscr, expected_fpscr, c.i, expected_answer);

/* Test the fdiv instruction */
void test_fdiv()
    Converter c;
    uint64_t expected_answer = 0x40059f38ee13b48b;
    uint32_t actual_fpscr, expected_fpscr = 0x82064000;
asm volatile("fdiv %0, %1, %2" : "=f"(c.d) : "f"(1234.56), "f"(456.78));
    actual_fpscr = get_fpscr();
    if (actual_fpscr == expected_fpscr && c.i == expected_answer) {
        printf("fdiv test passed\n");
    } else {
test_failed("fdiv test failed", actual_fpscr, expected_fpscr, c.i, expected_answer);

/* Test the fdivs instruction */
void test_fdivs()
    Converter c;
    uint64_t expected_answer = 0x40059f38e0000000;
    uint32_t actual_fpscr, expected_fpscr = 0x82024000;
asm volatile("fdivs %0, %1, %2" : "=f"(c.d) : "f"(1234.56), "f"(456.78));
    actual_fpscr = get_fpscr();
    if (actual_fpscr == expected_fpscr && c.i == expected_answer) {
        printf("fdivs test passed\n");
    } else {
test_failed("fdivs test failed", actual_fpscr, expected_fpscr, c.i, expected_answer);

/* Test the fmul instruction */
void test_fmul()
    Converter c;
    uint64_t expected_answer = 0x40365c28f5c28f5c;
    uint32_t actual_fpscr, expected_fpscr = 0x82024000;
    asm volatile("fmul %0, %1, %2" : "=f"(c.d) : "f"(5.2), "f"(4.3));
    actual_fpscr = get_fpscr();
    if (actual_fpscr == expected_fpscr && c.i == expected_answer) {
        printf("fmul test passed\n");
    } else {
test_failed("fmul test failed", actual_fpscr, expected_fpscr, c.i, expected_answer);

/* Test the fmuls instruction */
void test_fmuls()
    Converter c;
    uint64_t expected_answer = 0x412135a4a0000000;
    uint32_t actual_fpscr, expected_fpscr = 0x82024000;
asm volatile("fmuls %0, %1, %2" : "=f"(c.d) : "f"(1234.56), "f"(456.78));
    actual_fpscr = get_fpscr();
    if (actual_fpscr == expected_fpscr && c.i == expected_answer) {
        printf("fmuls test passed\n");
    } else {
test_failed("fmuls test failed", actual_fpscr, expected_fpscr, c.i, expected_answer);

/* Test the fmul instruction */
void test_inf_times_zero()
    Converter c;
    uint64_t expected_answer = 0x7ff8000000000000;
    uint32_t actual_fpscr, expected_fpscr = 0xa0111000;
asm volatile("fmul %0, %1, %2" : "=f"(c.d) : "f"(INFINITY), "f"(0.0));
    actual_fpscr = get_fpscr();
    if (actual_fpscr == expected_fpscr && c.i == expected_answer) {
        printf("inf * 0 test passed\n");
    } else {
test_failed("inf * 0 test failed", actual_fpscr, expected_fpscr, c.i, expected_answer);

/* Test the fmadd instruction */
void test_fmadd()
    Converter c;
    uint64_t expected_answer = 0x4123fcaadfa43fe5;
    uint32_t actual_fpscr, expected_fpscr = 0x82024000;
asm volatile("fmadd %0, %1, %2, %3" : "=f"(c.d) : "f"(1234.56), "f"(456.78), "f"(91011.12));
    actual_fpscr = get_fpscr();
    if (actual_fpscr == expected_fpscr && c.i == expected_answer) {
        printf("fmadd test passed\n");
    } else {
test_failed("fmadd test failed", actual_fpscr, expected_fpscr, c.i, expected_answer);

/* Test the fmadds instruction */
void test_fmadds()
    Converter c;
    uint64_t expected_answer = 0x4123fcaae0000000;
    uint32_t actual_fpscr, expected_fpscr = 0x82064000;
asm volatile("fmadds %0, %1, %2, %3" : "=f"(c.d) : "f"(1234.56), "f"(456.78), "f"(91011.12));
    actual_fpscr = get_fpscr();
    if (actual_fpscr == expected_fpscr && c.i == expected_answer) {
        printf("fmadds test passed\n");
    } else {
test_failed("fmadds test failed", actual_fpscr, expected_fpscr, c.i, expected_answer);

/* Test the fsqrt instruction - This instruction doesn't work on the PowerPC 750 (G3).
   It does work on the PowerPC 970 (G5).  */
/*void test_fsqrt()
    double answer;
    asm volatile("fsqrt %0, %1" : "=f"(answer) : "f"(-1.0));
    if (get_fpscr() == 0xa0011200) {
        printf("fsqrt test passed\n");
    } else {
        test_failed("fsqrt test failed");

/* Test an overflow condition */
void test_overflow()
    // multiplying two really big numbers equals overflow
    Converter c;
    double really_big_input;
    uint64_t expected_answer = 0x7ff0000000000000;
    uint32_t actual_fpscr, expected_fpscr = 0x92025000;
    really_big_input = 1.7 * pow(10, 308);
asm volatile("fmul %0, %1, %1" : "=f"(c.d) : "f"(really_big_input));
    actual_fpscr = get_fpscr();
    if (actual_fpscr == expected_fpscr && c.i == expected_answer) {
        printf("overflow test passed\n");
    } else {
test_failed("overflow test failed", actual_fpscr, expected_fpscr, c.i, expected_answer);

/* Test an underflow condition */
void test_underflow()
    Converter c;
    uint64_t expected_answer = 0x199999999999a;
    uint32_t actual_fpscr, expected_fpscr = 0x8a074000;
asm volatile("fmadd %0, %1, %2, %3" : "=f"(c.d) : "f"(DBL_MIN), "f"(0.1), "f"(0.0));
    actual_fpscr = get_fpscr();
    if (actual_fpscr == expected_fpscr && c.i == expected_answer) {
        printf("underflow test passed\n");
    } else {
test_failed("underflow test failed", actual_fpscr, expected_fpscr, c.i, expected_answer);

/* Test the fctiw instruction */
void test_fctiw()
    Converter c;
    uint64_t expected_answer;
    uint32_t actual_fpscr, expected_fpscr;
    double frB;

    /* above maximum value test */
    expected_fpscr = 0xa0000100;
    expected_answer = 0x7fffffff;
    frB = pow(2, 32); // greater than 2^31 - 1
    asm volatile("fctiw %0, %1" : "=f"(c.d) : "f"(frB));
    actual_fpscr = get_fpscr();
if (actual_fpscr == expected_fpscr && (c.i & 0xffffffff) == expected_answer) {
        printf("fctiw above maximum value test passed\n");
    } else {
test_failed("fctiw above maximum value test failed", actual_fpscr, expected_fpscr, c.i, expected_answer);

    /* below minimum value test*/
    expected_fpscr = 0xa0000100;
    expected_answer = 0x80000000;
    frB = -frB;  // less than -2^31
    asm volatile("fctiw %0, %1" : "=f"(c.d) : "f"(frB));
    actual_fpscr = get_fpscr();
if (actual_fpscr == expected_fpscr && (c.i & 0xffffffff) == expected_answer) {
        printf("fctiw below minimum value test passed\n");
    } else {
test_failed("fctiw below minimum value test failed", actual_fpscr, expected_fpscr, c.i, expected_answer);

    /* float to integer test */
    expected_fpscr = 0x82060000;
    expected_answer = 0xfff800000000000d;
    asm volatile("fctiw %0, %1" : "=f"(c.d) : "f"(12.7));
    actual_fpscr = get_fpscr();
    if (actual_fpscr == expected_fpscr && c.i == expected_answer) {
        printf("fctiw integer conversion test passed\n");
    } else {
test_failed("fctiw integer conversion test failed", actual_fpscr, expected_fpscr, c.i, expected_answer);

/* Test the fctiwz instruction */
void test_fctiwz()
    Converter c;
    uint64_t expected_answer;
    uint32_t actual_fpscr, expected_fpscr;
    double frB;

    /* above maximum value test */
    expected_fpscr = 0xa0000100;
    expected_answer = 0x7fffffff;
    frB = pow(2, 32); // greater than 2^31 - 1
    asm volatile("fctiwz %0, %1" : "=f"(c.d) : "f"(frB));
    actual_fpscr = get_fpscr();
if (actual_fpscr == expected_fpscr && (c.i & 0xffffffff) == expected_answer) {
        printf("fctiwz above maximum value test passed\n");
    } else {
test_failed("fctiwz above maximum value test failed", actual_fpscr, expected_fpscr, c.i, expected_answer);

    /* below minimum value test*/
    expected_fpscr = 0xa0000100;
    expected_answer = 0x80000000;
    frB = -frB;  // less than -2^31
    asm volatile("fctiwz %0, %1" : "=f"(c.d) : "f"(frB));
    actual_fpscr = get_fpscr();
if (actual_fpscr == expected_fpscr && (c.i & 0xffffffff) == expected_answer) {
        printf("fctiwz below minimum value test passed\n");
    } else {
test_failed("fctiwz below minimum value test failed", actual_fpscr, expected_fpscr, c.i, expected_answer);

    /* float to integer test */
    expected_fpscr = 0x82060000;
    expected_answer = 0xfff800000000001c;
    asm volatile("fctiw %0, %1" : "=f"(c.d) : "f"(27.98));
    actual_fpscr = get_fpscr();
    if (actual_fpscr == expected_fpscr && c.i == expected_answer) {
        printf("fctiwz integer conversion test passed\n");
    } else {
test_failed("fctiwz integer conversion test failed", actual_fpscr, expected_fpscr, c.i, expected_answer);

/* Test the frsp instruction */
void test_frsp()
    Converter c;
    uint64_t expected_answer = 0x4271f71fc0000000;
    uint32_t actual_fpscr, expected_fpscr = 0x82064000;
asm volatile("frsp %0, %1" : "=f"(c.d) : "f"(1234567891012.131415));
    actual_fpscr = get_fpscr();
    if (actual_fpscr == expected_fpscr && c.i == expected_answer) {
        printf("frsp test passed\n");
    } else {
test_failed("frsp test failed", actual_fpscr, expected_fpscr, c.i, expected_answer);

/* Test the fnmsub instruction */
void test_fnmsub()
    Converter c;
    uint64_t expected_answer = 0xc11cdd3cc985f06e;
    uint32_t actual_fpscr, expected_fpscr = 0x82028000;
asm volatile("fnmsub %0, %1, %2, %3" : "=f"(c.d) : "f"(1234.56), "f"(456.78), "f"(91011.12));
    actual_fpscr = get_fpscr();
    if (actual_fpscr == expected_fpscr && c.i == expected_answer) {
        printf("fnmsub test passed\n");
    } else {
test_failed("fnmsub test failed", actual_fpscr, expected_fpscr, c.i, expected_answer);

/* Report the results of all the tests */
void report_results()
    if (failed_tests == 1) {
        printf("\n=== Warning: %d test failed ===\n", failed_tests);
    } else if (failed_tests > 1) {
        printf("\n=== Warning: %d tests failed ===\n", failed_tests);
    } else {
        printf("\n=== All tests passed ===\n");

int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {



    return 0;

Here is the full test results after running this program in qemu- system-ppc with a Mac OS 10.4 guest:

fadd test failed
expected answer: 0x3ff3333333333334
  actual answer: 0x8200400000000024
expected fpscr: 0x82064000
  actual fpscr: 0x82004000

actual FPSCR bits set:
bit 17: FPRF - Floating-point greater than or positive
bit 6: XX - Floating-point inexact exception
bit 0: FX - Floating-point exception summary

expected FPSCR bits set:
bit 17: FPRF - Floating-point greater than or positive
bit 14: FI - Floating-point fraction inexact
bit 13: FR - Floating-point fraction rounded
bit 6: XX - Floating-point inexact exception
bit 0: FX - Floating-point exception summary

fadds test failed
expected answer: 0x407024d500000000
  actual answer: 0x8200400000000024
expected fpscr: 0x82064000
  actual fpscr: 0x82004000

actual FPSCR bits set:
bit 17: FPRF - Floating-point greater than or positive
bit 6: XX - Floating-point inexact exception
bit 0: FX - Floating-point exception summary

expected FPSCR bits set:
bit 17: FPRF - Floating-point greater than or positive
bit 14: FI - Floating-point fraction inexact
bit 13: FR - Floating-point fraction rounded
bit 6: XX - Floating-point inexact exception
bit 0: FX - Floating-point exception summary

fsub test passed
fsubs test passed
fmul test failed
expected answer: 0x40365c28f5c28f5c
  actual answer: 0x8200400000000024
expected fpscr: 0x82024000
  actual fpscr: 0x82004000

actual FPSCR bits set:
bit 17: FPRF - Floating-point greater than or positive
bit 6: XX - Floating-point inexact exception
bit 0: FX - Floating-point exception summary

expected FPSCR bits set:
bit 17: FPRF - Floating-point greater than or positive
bit 14: FI - Floating-point fraction inexact
bit 6: XX - Floating-point inexact exception
bit 0: FX - Floating-point exception summary

fmuls test failed
expected answer: 0x412135a4a0000000
  actual answer: 0x8200400000000024
expected fpscr: 0x82024000
  actual fpscr: 0x82004000

actual FPSCR bits set:
bit 17: FPRF - Floating-point greater than or positive
bit 6: XX - Floating-point inexact exception
bit 0: FX - Floating-point exception summary

expected FPSCR bits set:
bit 17: FPRF - Floating-point greater than or positive
bit 14: FI - Floating-point fraction inexact
bit 6: XX - Floating-point inexact exception
bit 0: FX - Floating-point exception summary

fdiv test failed
expected answer: 0x40059f38ee13b48b
  actual answer: 0x8200400000000024
expected fpscr: 0x82064000
  actual fpscr: 0x82004000

actual FPSCR bits set:
bit 17: FPRF - Floating-point greater than or positive
bit 6: XX - Floating-point inexact exception
bit 0: FX - Floating-point exception summary

expected FPSCR bits set:
bit 17: FPRF - Floating-point greater than or positive
bit 14: FI - Floating-point fraction inexact
bit 13: FR - Floating-point fraction rounded
bit 6: XX - Floating-point inexact exception
bit 0: FX - Floating-point exception summary

fdivs test failed
expected answer: 0x40059f38e0000000
  actual answer: 0x8200400000000024
expected fpscr: 0x82024000
  actual fpscr: 0x82004000

actual FPSCR bits set:
bit 17: FPRF - Floating-point greater than or positive
bit 6: XX - Floating-point inexact exception
bit 0: FX - Floating-point exception summary

expected FPSCR bits set:
bit 17: FPRF - Floating-point greater than or positive
bit 14: FI - Floating-point fraction inexact
bit 6: XX - Floating-point inexact exception
bit 0: FX - Floating-point exception summary

fmadd test failed
expected answer: 0x4123fcaadfa43fe5
  actual answer: 0x8200400000000024
expected fpscr: 0x82024000
  actual fpscr: 0x82004000

actual FPSCR bits set:
bit 17: FPRF - Floating-point greater than or positive
bit 6: XX - Floating-point inexact exception
bit 0: FX - Floating-point exception summary

expected FPSCR bits set:
bit 17: FPRF - Floating-point greater than or positive
bit 14: FI - Floating-point fraction inexact
bit 6: XX - Floating-point inexact exception
bit 0: FX - Floating-point exception summary

fmadds test failed
expected answer: 0x4123fcaae0000000
  actual answer: 0x8200400000000024
expected fpscr: 0x82064000
  actual fpscr: 0x82004000

actual FPSCR bits set:
bit 17: FPRF - Floating-point greater than or positive
bit 6: XX - Floating-point inexact exception
bit 0: FX - Floating-point exception summary

expected FPSCR bits set:
bit 17: FPRF - Floating-point greater than or positive
bit 14: FI - Floating-point fraction inexact
bit 13: FR - Floating-point fraction rounded
bit 6: XX - Floating-point inexact exception
bit 0: FX - Floating-point exception summary

inf - inf test passed
Warning: fpscr not equal to zero: 0x20000000
division by zero test failed
expected answer: 0x0
  actual answer: 0xc400501000000015
expected fpscr: 0xc4000010
  actual fpscr: 0xc4005010

actual FPSCR bits set:
bit 27: ZE - IEEE floating-point zero divide exception enable
bit 19: FPRF - Floating-point unordered or NaN
bit 17: FPRF - Floating-point greater than or positive
bit 5: ZX - Floating-point zero divide exception
bit 1: FEX - Floating-point enabled exception summary
bit 0: FX - Floating-point exception summary

expected FPSCR bits set:
bit 27: ZE - IEEE floating-point zero divide exception enable
bit 5: ZX - Floating-point zero divide exception
bit 1: FEX - Floating-point enabled exception summary
bit 0: FX - Floating-point exception summary

Warning: fpscr not equal to zero: 0x40000000
0/0 test passed
Warning: fpscr not equal to zero: 0x20000000
inf/inf test passed
Warning: fpscr not equal to zero: 0x20000000
inf * 0 test passed
Warning: fpscr not equal to zero: 0x20000000
overflow test passed
underflow test failed
expected answer: 0x199999999999a
  actual answer: 0x8801400000000021
expected fpscr: 0x8a074000
  actual fpscr: 0x88014000

actual FPSCR bits set:
bit 17: FPRF - Floating-point greater than or positive
bit 15: FPRF - Floating-point result class descriptor
bit 4: UX - Floating-point underflow exception
bit 0: FX - Floating-point exception summary

expected FPSCR bits set:
bit 17: FPRF - Floating-point greater than or positive
bit 15: FPRF - Floating-point result class descriptor
bit 14: FI - Floating-point fraction inexact
bit 13: FR - Floating-point fraction rounded
bit 6: XX - Floating-point inexact exception
bit 4: UX - Floating-point underflow exception
bit 0: FX - Floating-point exception summary

fctiw above maximum value test failed
expected answer: 0x7fffffff
  actual answer: 0xa00111000000001c
expected fpscr: 0xa0000100
  actual fpscr: 0xa0011100

actual FPSCR bits set:
bit 23: VXCVI - Floating-point invalid operation exception for invalid integer convert
bit 19: FPRF - Floating-point unordered or NaN
bit 15: FPRF - Floating-point result class descriptor
bit 2: VX - Floating-point invalid operation exception summary
bit 0: FX - Floating-point exception summary

expected FPSCR bits set:
bit 23: VXCVI - Floating-point invalid operation exception for invalid integer convert
bit 2: VX - Floating-point invalid operation exception summary
bit 0: FX - Floating-point exception summary

Warning: fpscr not equal to zero: 0x20000000
fctiw below minimum value test failed
expected answer: 0x80000000
  actual answer: 0xa00111000000001c
expected fpscr: 0xa0000100
  actual fpscr: 0xa0011100

actual FPSCR bits set:
bit 23: VXCVI - Floating-point invalid operation exception for invalid integer convert
bit 19: FPRF - Floating-point unordered or NaN
bit 15: FPRF - Floating-point result class descriptor
bit 2: VX - Floating-point invalid operation exception summary
bit 0: FX - Floating-point exception summary

expected FPSCR bits set:
bit 23: VXCVI - Floating-point invalid operation exception for invalid integer convert
bit 2: VX - Floating-point invalid operation exception summary
bit 0: FX - Floating-point exception summary

Warning: fpscr not equal to zero: 0x20000000
fctiw integer conversion test failed
expected answer: 0xfff800000000000d
  actual answer: 0x8200000000000024
expected fpscr: 0x82060000
  actual fpscr: 0x82000000

actual FPSCR bits set:
bit 6: XX - Floating-point inexact exception
bit 0: FX - Floating-point exception summary

expected FPSCR bits set:
bit 14: FI - Floating-point fraction inexact
bit 13: FR - Floating-point fraction rounded
bit 6: XX - Floating-point inexact exception
bit 0: FX - Floating-point exception summary

fctiwz above maximum value test failed
expected answer: 0x7fffffff
  actual answer: 0xa00111000000001c
expected fpscr: 0xa0000100
  actual fpscr: 0xa0011100

actual FPSCR bits set:
bit 23: VXCVI - Floating-point invalid operation exception for invalid integer convert
bit 19: FPRF - Floating-point unordered or NaN
bit 15: FPRF - Floating-point result class descriptor
bit 2: VX - Floating-point invalid operation exception summary
bit 0: FX - Floating-point exception summary

expected FPSCR bits set:
bit 23: VXCVI - Floating-point invalid operation exception for invalid integer convert
bit 2: VX - Floating-point invalid operation exception summary
bit 0: FX - Floating-point exception summary

Warning: fpscr not equal to zero: 0x20000000
fctiwz below minimum value test failed
expected answer: 0x80000000
  actual answer: 0xa00111000000001c
expected fpscr: 0xa0000100
  actual fpscr: 0xa0011100

actual FPSCR bits set:
bit 23: VXCVI - Floating-point invalid operation exception for invalid integer convert
bit 19: FPRF - Floating-point unordered or NaN
bit 15: FPRF - Floating-point result class descriptor
bit 2: VX - Floating-point invalid operation exception summary
bit 0: FX - Floating-point exception summary

expected FPSCR bits set:
bit 23: VXCVI - Floating-point invalid operation exception for invalid integer convert
bit 2: VX - Floating-point invalid operation exception summary
bit 0: FX - Floating-point exception summary

Warning: fpscr not equal to zero: 0x20000000
fctiwz integer conversion test failed
expected answer: 0xfff800000000001c
  actual answer: 0x8200000000000024
expected fpscr: 0x82060000
  actual fpscr: 0x82000000

actual FPSCR bits set:
bit 6: XX - Floating-point inexact exception
bit 0: FX - Floating-point exception summary

expected FPSCR bits set:
bit 14: FI - Floating-point fraction inexact
bit 13: FR - Floating-point fraction rounded
bit 6: XX - Floating-point inexact exception
bit 0: FX - Floating-point exception summary

frsp test failed
expected answer: 0x4271f71fc0000000
  actual answer: 0x8200400000000024
expected fpscr: 0x82064000
  actual fpscr: 0x82004000

actual FPSCR bits set:
bit 17: FPRF - Floating-point greater than or positive
bit 6: XX - Floating-point inexact exception
bit 0: FX - Floating-point exception summary

expected FPSCR bits set:
bit 17: FPRF - Floating-point greater than or positive
bit 14: FI - Floating-point fraction inexact
bit 13: FR - Floating-point fraction rounded
bit 6: XX - Floating-point inexact exception
bit 0: FX - Floating-point exception summary

fnmsub test failed
expected answer: 0xc11cdd3cc985f06e
  actual answer: 0x8200800000000024
expected fpscr: 0x82028000
  actual fpscr: 0x82008000

actual FPSCR bits set:
bit 16: FPRF - Floating-point less than or negative
bit 6: XX - Floating-point inexact exception
bit 0: FX - Floating-point exception summary

expected FPSCR bits set:
bit 16: FPRF - Floating-point less than or negative
bit 14: FI - Floating-point fraction inexact
bit 6: XX - Floating-point inexact exception
bit 0: FX - Floating-point exception summary

=== Warning: 18 tests failed ===

It looks like the floating point instructions need a little work.

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