I am new to QEMU and have a question.

I know QEMU can be used to run a program (user mode emulation) or boot
a system (full system emulation). But can I use QEMU to load from a
program a shared library (such as .so file in linux) which was built
for a different CPU target?

 For instance, I have a program prog_a, which run on one type of CPU.
prog_a  needs a dynamic library b.so. But the b.so at hand is meant
for a different CPU (non-native). To use b.so, can I do this:  prog_a
--> QEMU emulation --> b.so?  In this sense, the emulation is done at
the API/library level, not at  the program or system level.

Is it possible?I am willing to change QEMU code to do this.


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