Emilio G. Cota <c...@braap.org> writes:

> On Sat, Mar 25, 2017 at 12:52:35 -0400, Pranith Kumar wrote:
> (snip)
>> * Implement an LRU translation block code cache.
>>   In the current TCG design, when the translation cache fills up, we flush 
>> all
>>   the translated blocks (TBs) to free up space. We can improve this situation
>>   by not flushing the TBs that were recently used i.e., by implementing an 
>> LRU
>>   policy for freeing the blocks. This should avoid the re-translation 
>> overhead
>>   for frequently used blocks and improve performance.
> I doubt this will yield any benefits because:
> - I still have not found a workload where the performance bottleneck is
>   code retranslation due to unnecessary flushes (unless of course we
>   artificially restrict the size of code_gen_buffer.)
> - To keep track of LRU you need at least one extra instruction on every
>   TB, e.g. to increase a counter or add a timestamp. This might be expensive
>   and possibly a scalability bottleneck (e.g. what to do when several
>   cores are executing the same TB?).
> - tb_find_pc now does a simple binary search. This is easy because we
>   know that TB's are allocated from code_gen_buffer in order. If they
>   were out of order, we'd need another data structure (e.g. some sort of
>   tree) to have quick searches. This is not a fast path though so this
>   could be OK.

Certainly to make changes here we would need some proper numbers showing
it is a problem. Even my re-compile stress-ng test only flushes every
now an then.

> (snip)
>> Please let me know if you have any comments or suggestions. Also please let 
>> me
>> know if there are other enhancements that are easily implementable to 
>> increase
>> TCG performance as part of this project or otherwise.
> My not-necessarily-easy-to-implement wishlist would be:
> - Reduction of tb_lock contention when booting many cores. For instance,
>   booting 64 aarch64 cores on a 64-core host shows quite a bit of contention 
> (host
>   cores are 80% idle, i.e. waiting to acquire tb_lock); fortunately this is 
> not a
>   big deal (e.g. 4s for booting 1 core vs. ~14s to boot 64) and anyway most
>   long-running workloads are cached a lot more effectively.
>   Still, it would make sense to consider the option of not going through 
> tb_lock
>   etc. (via a private cache? or simply not caching at all) for code that is 
> not
>   executed many times. Another option is to translate privately, and only 
> acquire
>   tb_lock to copy the translated code to the shared buffer.

Currently tb_lock protects the whole translation cycle. However to get
any sort of parallelism in a different translation cache we would also
need to make the translators thread safe. Currently translation involves
too many shared globals across the core TCG state as well as the
per-arch translate.c functions.

> - Instrumentation. I think QEMU should have a good interface to enable
>   dynamic binary instrumentation. This has many uses and in fact there
>   are quite a few forks of QEMU doing this.
>   I think Lluís Vilanova's work [1] is a good start to eventually get
>   something upstream.

I too want to see more here. It would be nice to have a hit count for
each block and some live introspection so we could investigate the
hotest blocks and examine the code the generate more closely.

I think there is scope for a big improvement if you could create a
hot-path series of basic blocks with multiple exit points and avoid the
spill/fills of registers in the hot path. However this is a fairly major
change to the current design.

Outside of performance improvements having a good instrumentation story
would be good for people who want to do analysis of guest behaviour.

>               Emilio
> [1] https://projects.gso.ac.upc.edu/projects/qemu-dbi

Alex Bennée

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