On Mon, 8 Nov 2010, Fran?ois Revol wrote:

> Le 8 nov. 2010 ? 01:02, malc a ?crit :

> > And can you, please, elaborate some more on usage scenarios of this thing?
> cf.
> http://dev.haiku-os.org/browser/haiku/trunk/3rdparty/mmu_man/onlinedemo/haiku.php

Sorry my PHP skills have lapsed aeons ago.

> and possibly http://oszoo.org/wiki/index.php/Main_Page some day...
> The idea is to use it along with the -vnc option and the VNC applet
> to present a VM on the web.

While not very sexy, but can't you just use wav output to a fifo and
compress it via separate process.


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