On 2017-07-06 16:30, Markus Armbruster wrote:
> Max Reitz <mre...@redhat.com> writes:
>> This generic function (along with its implementations for different
>> types) determines whether two QObjects are equal.
>> Signed-off-by: Max Reitz <mre...@redhat.com>
>> ---
>> Markus also proposed just reporting two values as unequal if they have a
>> different internal representation (i.e. a different QNum kind).
>> I don't like this very much, because I feel like QInt and QFloat have
>> been unified for a reason: Outside of these classes, nobody should care
>> about the exact internal representation.  In JSON, there is no
>> difference anyway.  We probably want to use integers as long as we can
>> and doubles whenever we cannot.
> You're right in that JSON has no notion of integer and floating-point,
> only "number".  RFC 4627 is famously useless[1] on what exactly a number
> ought to be, and its successor RFC 7159 could then (due to wildly
> varying existing practice) merely state that a number is what the
> implementation makes it to be, and advises "good interoperability can be
> achieved" by making it double".  Pffft.
> For us, being able to represent 64 bit integers is more important than
> interoperating with crappy JSON implementations, so we made it the union
> of int64_t, uint64_t and double[2].
> You make a fair point when you say that nothing outside QNum should care
> about the exact internal representation.  Trouble is that unless I'm
> mistaken, your idea of "care" doesn't match the existing code's idea.

I disagree that it doesn't match the existing code's idea.  I think the
existing code doesn't match its idea, but mine does.

> Let i42 = qnum_from_int(42)
>     u42 = qnum_from_uint(42)
>     d42 = qnum_from_double(42)
> Then
>     qnum_is_equal(i42, u42) yields true, I think.
>     qnum_is_equal(i42, d42) yields true, I think.
>     qnum_get_int(i42) yields 42.
>     qnum_get_int(u42) yields 42.
>     qnum_get_int(d42) fails its assertion.
> Failing an assertion qualifies as "care", doesn't it?

It doesn't convert the value?  That's definitely not what I would have
thought and it doesn't make a lot of sense to me.  I call that a bug. :-)

From the other side we see that qnum_get_double() on all of this would
yield 42.0 without failing.  So why is it that qnum_get_int() doesn't?
Because there are doubles you cannot reasonably convert to integers, I
presume, whereas the other way around the worst that can happen is that
you lose some precision.

But that has no implication on qnum_is_equal().  If the double cannot be
converted to an integer because it is out of bounds, the values just are
not equal.  Simple.

So since qnum_get_double() does a conversion, I very much think that the
reason qnum_get_int() doesn't is mostly "because sometimes it's not
reasonably possible" and very much not because it is not intended to.

>> In any case, I feel like the class should hide the different internal
>> representations from the user.  This necessitates being able to compare
>> floating point values against integers.  Since apparently the main use
>> of QObject is to parse and emit JSON (and represent such objects
>> internally), we also have to agree that JSON doesn't make a difference:
>> 42 is just the same as 42.0.
> The JSON RFC is mum on that.
> In *our* implementation of JSON, 42 and 42.0 have always been very much
> *not* the same.  Proof:
>     -> { "execute": "migrate_set_speed", "arguments": { "value": 42 } }
>     <- {"return": {}}
>     -> { "execute": "migrate_set_speed", "arguments": { "value": 42.0 } }
>     <- {"error": {"class": "GenericError", "desc": "Invalid parameter type 
> for 'value', expected: integer"}}
> This is because migrate_set_speed argument value is 'int', and 42.0 is
> not a valid 'int' value.

Well, that's a bug, too.  It's nice that we accept things that aren't
quite valid JSON (I'm looking at you, single quote), but we should
accept things that are valid JSON.

> Note that 42 *is* a valid 'number' value.  migrate_set_downtime argument
> value is 'number':
>     -> { "execute": "migrate_set_downtime", "arguments": { "value": 42 } }
>     <- {"return": {}}
>     -> { "execute": "migrate_set_downtime", "arguments": { "value": 42.0 } }
>     <- {"return": {}}
> Don't blame me for the parts of QMP I inherited :)

I sure don't.  But I am willing to start a discussion by calling that a
bug. ;-)

QNum has only been introduced recently.  Before, we had a hard split of
QInt and QFloat.  So I'm not surprised that we haven't fixed everything yet.

OTOH the introduction of QNum to me signals that we do want to fix this

>> Finally, I think it's rather pointless not to consider 42u and 42 the
>> same value.  But since unsigned/signed are two different kinds of QNums
>> already, we cannot consider them equal without considering 42.0 equal,
>> too.
> Non sequitur.
>> Because of this, I have decided to continue to compare QNum values even
>> if they are of a different kind.
> I think comparing signed and unsigned integer QNums is fair and
> consistent with how the rest of our code works.

I don't see how. doubles can represent different numbers than integers
can. Signed integers can represent different numbers than unsigned can.

Sure, signed/unsigned makes less of a difference than having an exponent
does.  But I don't agree we should make a difference when the only
reason not to seems to be "qemu currently likes to make a difference in
its interface, for historical reasons mainly" and "Do you really want to
write this equality function?  It seems hard to get right".

For the record, I could have lived with the old separation into QInt and
QFloat.  But now we do have a common QNum and I think the idea behind is
is to have a uniform opaque interface.

> Comparing integer and floating QNums isn't.  It's also a can of worms.
> Are you sure we *need* to open that can *now*?

Sure?  No.  Do I want to?  I guess so.

> Are you sure a simple, stupid eql-like comparison won't do *for now*?

But I want it.  I think the current behavior your demonstrated above is
a bug and I don't really want to continue to follow it.

All you have really convinced me to do is to add another patch which
smacks a warning on qnum_get_int(), and maybe even a TODO that it should
convert doubles to integers *if possible*.

(And the "if possible" just means that you cannot convert values which
are out of bounds or NaN.  Fractional parts may not even matter much --
I mean, we do happily convert integers to doubles and rounding that way
is implementation-defined.)


> [1] Standard reply to criticism of JSON: could be worse, could be XML.
> [2] Union of int64_t and double until recently, plus bugs that could be
> abused to "tunnel" uint64_t values.  Some of the bugs have to remain for
> backward compatibility.

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