On 08/30/2017 05:28 PM, John Snow wrote:

> I'm a little iffy on this patch; I know that ./check can take care of
> our temp files for us now, but because each python test is itself a
> little mini-harness, I'm a little leery of moving the teardown to setup
> and trying to pre-clean the confetti before the test begins.
> What's the benefit? We still have to clean up these files per-test, but
> now it's slightly more error-prone and in a weird place.
> If we want to try to preserve the most-recent-failure-files, perhaps we
> can define a setting in the python test-runner that allows us to
> globally skip file cleanup.

On the other hand, since each test is a mini-harness, globally skipping
cleanup will make a two-part test fail on the second because of garbage
left behind by the first.

Patch 5 adds a comment with another possible solution: teach the python
mini-harness to either clean all files in the directory, or to relocate
the directory according to test name, so that each mini-test starts with
a fresh location, and cleanup is then handled by the harness rather than
spaghetti pre-cleanup.  But any solution is better than our current
situation of nothing, so that's why I'm still okay with this patch as-is
as offering more (even if not perfect) than before.

Eric Blake, Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc.           +1-919-301-3266
Virtualization:  qemu.org | libvirt.org

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