I am answering myself hoping that my solution may help somebody other who has to face the same problem:

In QEMU home page, under downloads section you can find QEMU Linux user mode tests: http://wiki.qemu.org/download/linux-user-test-0.3.tar.gz
Inside there are also examples for qemu-ppc

Anyway what one probably wants to obtain with qemu-ppc is not just running the tests programs provided there. Instead probably you want to test PPC programs you compile for your needs. Unless you compile your programs with the same PPC Linux kernel whose libs are contained in the downloaded archive, they won't run fine with qemu-ppc using the "gnemul" libs provided in the downloaded archive.

I don't have any powerPC machine, so I use a QEMU virtual machine (qemu-system-ppc) with installed Debian 5.07 PowerPC for compiling PowerPC programs. So what I did for making qemu-ppc run fine my PPC programs was simply to copy all the following files:


from the Debian PPC linux (virtual machine) into
/usr/gnemul/qemu-ppc/lib/ of my real i386 Linux system (ubuntu 10.10, i386)

and /etc/ld* from the Debian PPC Linux into
/usr/gnemul/qemu-ppc/etc/ of my real i386 Linux system

After that running "qemu-ppc myproggy" in my real i386 Linux where "proggy" is a simple program compiled into the Debian PPC linux VM works perfectly :)

Feel free of asking for explanations, though I must confess I do not master the topic.. still I managed to run it :)

Best Regards!
Stefano B.

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