On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 12:38 PM, Natalia Portillo <clau...@claunia.com>wrote:

> Hi all,
> The Z80 CPU and its variants and clones are not only used in dozens of
> computers (ranging from a full range of CP/M compatible ones, and
> minicomputers mostly seen as general public as gaming devices -Amstrad,
> Speccy-), but also in hunders of embedded systems and even on Adaptec SCSI
> cards.
> I vote for inclusion on mainstream 100%, and maybe from that code an i8080
> emulation can be easily extracted to cover the rest of 80s
> desktop/minis/micros ?

This is a really interesting discussion which goes to the heart of QEMU's
identity.  A contemporary emulation and virtualisation platform (modern
embedded, KVM etc)?  An emulation platform for retro-computing nostalgia?
 How about as a unifying platform for MAME?

No reason of course it can't be both, unless those roles start pulling in
competing directions.

Commercially my company is an active user and supporter of MicroBlaze and
PPC440 platforms, while personally the Sinclair Spectrum was my first ever
home computing experience and will always have a special place in my geek
heart. So, I vote 'both'!

John Williams, PhD, B.Eng, B.IT
PetaLogix - Linux Solutions for a Reconfigurable World
w: www.petalogix.com  p: +61-7-30090663  f: +61-7-30090663

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