>>>> good catch :) I'll respin with:
>>>>     case SDHC_ADMASYSADDR:
>>>>         s->admasysaddr = deposit64(s->admasysaddr, 0, 32, value)
>>>>         break;
>>>>     case SDHC_ADMASYSADDR + 4:
>>>>         s->admasysaddr = deposit64(s->admasysaddr, 32, 32, value);
>>>>         break;
>>> This still doesn't take the mask value into account though.
>>> Also, doesn't deposit() shift value up in this case? We want to mask
>>> the low bits out. I don't have the code in front of me though, so I
>>> could be wrong here.
>> We have sdhci_mmio_ops.max_access_size = 4, so value will be at most 32bits.
> Ah! Good point.
>> Now ADMASYSADDR is a 64-bit register, accessible in 2x32-bit.
>> /**
>>  * Deposit @fieldval into the 64 bit @value at the bit field specified
>>  * by the @start and @length parameters, and return the modified
>>  * @value. Bits of @value outside the bit field are not modified.
>> uint64_t deposit64(uint64_t value, int start, int length, uint64_t fieldval);
>> in both access we use length=32
>> at SDHC_ADMASYSADDR we use start=0,
>> while at SDHC_ADMASYSADDR + 4 we use start=32.
>> both deposit the 32b value (32b masked) into a 64b s->admasysaddr.
>> This is good to clarify this now, because the Spec v3 series (and
>> v4.20 if we want it) add a lot of them.
> Ok, this sounds fine to me then.
> The mask variable is still being ignored though. value should be anded
> with mask.

This is what deposit64() does:

uint64_t deposit64(uint64_t value, int start, int length, uint64_t fieldval)
    uint64_t mask;
    assert(start >= 0 && length > 0 && length <= 64 - start);
    mask = (~0ULL >> (64 - length)) << start;
    return (value & ~mask) | ((fieldval << start) & mask);

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