Am 02.01.2011 um 19:27 schrieb François Revol:

I can only get the display on BeOS/x86 Personal Edition 5 to be in black
and white.  I've tried all the -vga options.

mkdir foo
cd foo
tar zxvf ../BeOS4Linux.tar.gz
qemu -cdrom -fda floppy.img -boot a -vga std

This is because it doesn't have any driver that supports the emulated hardware, so it just switches to 16 color VGA and draws from an 8bit framebuffer to the VGA bank with a grey palette.

I thought the Cirrus card could be supported but it probably doesn't emulate a matching chip.

It might be possible to try extra drivers from
though it'd be better to have a working setup from the official image.

Later versions and Haiku use VESA though, so are unaffected and should work with -vga std.

Hmm, I have BeOS 5 PE working with qemu -hda ... (i.e., default VGA options).
And I'm pretty sure I didn't install special drivers.

/boot/home/config/settings/kernel/drivers/vesa has:

mode 800 600 16


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