Am 15.01.2011 18:20, schrieb Laurent Vivier:
Le samedi 15 janvier 2011 à 16:02 +0000, Blue Swirl a écrit :
With the sed script below (my first I think), I'm able to convert most

nice script. Did you try awk ?

files in QEMU from C99 comment style to C89. When successive line with
C99 comments are converted, the comments are merged. Two files

[ This remembers me the port of gstreamer to AIX using xlc, which was
C89 only... ]

(hw/rtl8139.c and microblaze-dis.c) still fail.

Is this a good idea?

I think line like:

//#define DEBUG

should be changed to

#if 0
#define DEBUG

as it is not really a comment but a flag.

The pattern //~ is also some kind of flag.

I must admit that I introduced some of these lines because
my favorite editor (SciTE) allows to toggle these
lines to code.

Laurent's solution would be fine for those, too.
It's also possible to replace all #if 0 by #if 1
to test compilation of debug code.

Is there an urgent need to fix all C99 comments?

I'd appreciate to see blanks at line endings or
tabs fixed, too. At least fixing the blanks is
much easier than fixing C99 comments.


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