On Wed, Mar 21, 2018 at 05:17:38PM +0100, Vitaly Kuznetsov wrote:
> (What I'm worried about with all our hv_* knobs is that more of them we
> have easier it is to assemble some frankenstien which won't look like
> any existing Hyper-V version; we're probably not doing a very good job
> tesing all possible hv_* combinations as people probably use 'all or
> nothing'. In case we end up finding a bug in Windows with some weird
> hv_* combination it's unlikely Microsoft will bother fixing at as it
> doesn't reproduce on any existent Hyper-V version.

I agree that this is getting cumbersome, but, given that features get
added incrementally and we need to be able to maintain backwards
compatibility, I'm afraid this is unavoidable.

> That said, it would be great to eventually have something like
> 'hv_ws2012r2' property making us look exactly the same real WS2012R2
> looks like. Unfortunatelly, I'm unsure about a path to get there).

I'm tempted to delegate this -- combining features into user-friendly
sets -- to the upper layers: libvirt or even something on top of it.


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