On 30 April 2018 at 10:29, Cornelia Huck <coh...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On a related note: During the development phase, does it make more
> sense to collect stuff until you have a big pile of patches, or is it
> better (from an integration perspective) to do more frequent, smaller
> pull requests?

Generally my preference is for more smaller requests:
 * it means that patches from contributors get into master faster
 * the bigger the pull request the more likely that something in it
   will fail a build test and result in a delay for the whole lot

My rule of thumb for target-arm pull requests is to send one
if my queue gets up to 10 or so patches or if it's been two weeks
since the last one, I think. (I'm not saying 2 weeks is a limit
on how often to send -- it's just about where my personal
tradeoff between how long I hold onto things and how frequently
I want to do the test-and-send-pullreq work is set.)

-- PMM

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