28.01.2011 11:06, Yoshiaki Tamura wrote:
> I would like Kemari to be included for 0.14.  Thanks to many
> valuable comments from various reviewers, it got better than
> ever, I believe.  For those who may object, it wouldn't affect
> any functions including live migration unless one turns it on.
> Besides, it is a good application of live migration.  By having
> merged, I would be able to focus on increasing functionality and
> optimization.

It's somewhat unexpected to see merge request for any new
functionality into a "stable" branch.  Having nothing bad
against Kemari, I still think we shouldn't include any new
functionality into 0.14, which were planned to be released
before new year... ;)

I mean, if it were not merged so far, for reasons that can
be discussed separately etc, regardless of its good shape
and so on... let's don't do any last-minute merges.

Mergeing it to a development branch is entirely another


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