On Sun, Feb 13, 2011 at 03:06:44PM +0100, Gerhard Wiesinger wrote:
> Hello,
> After some fortune I found out that also Turbo Debugger 286 doesn't
> work under plain DOS 6.22 (without any memory mananger just pressing
> F5) or with some memory mananagers (HIMEM.SYS, EMM386, QEMM386).
> Error message is:
> Error 266 loading D:\DIR\TD286.EXE into extended memory.
> So it looks like that there is a major issue with extended memory.
> Any ideas how to fix or how to find the problem and fix it?

It would help if you could post the seabios log.  The easiest way to
get at that is to add the following to the qemu command line:

-chardev stdio,id=seabios -device isa-debugcon,iobase=0x402,chardev=seabios

It's also possible to recompile seabios with the debug level
increased to get more info on specific calls.


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